I like where you’re headed but, right now, I feel like your complicating the interface by forcing extra clicks and navigation to what used to be some really simple swipes.
Thanks! Yeah, the idea before, when we had only a single point of entry, was that we could both show the most recently added movies, but let the More button be the "library" to let you sort them.
With Movies getting their own library view, I didn't want to confuse things, so I made the more button of Recently Added Movies (formerly New Movies, I changed it
) ONLY be recently added movies, so that things were clear.
I fully understand your opinion and I'm going to be iterating on a lot of this stuff, The biggest issue really is that the library views are GREAT for people with big libraries, and TERRIBLE for people with small libraries. So striking a chord is going to be tough.
Keep a look out. I might just put the sort bar back on the more button for Recently Added Movies.
As a reply to your Up Next comments. Yes, those are comments from a very specific group of people here on the Community. There's tons of people that fully utilize and get value from Up Next that don't post on Community.
And as you mentioned here:
I feel like your complicating the interface by forcing extra clicks and navigation to what used to be some really simple swipes.
There's plenty of people that didn't like the old way either.
It's our job to just hit a balance and ship the right stuff. And yah, a lot of this is going to be our opinion