Channels 4.0 Beta

Got the latest and maybe I missed it before but I can’t sort my recordings alphabetically any longer. I only have Recently Recorded. That’s a huge negative from my perspective.

Also, I’ve got Up Next turned off in the navigation settings but it is still showing up in the Library. I’d really like to see the setting stop that from happening. I’ve never liked Up Next.

Last, I’d suggest some other title than New Movies. Maybe it’s me but it seems odd to have Animal House, Strips and Christmas Vacation in a section called New Movies. How about just Movies?

Still would like to see like I and others have mentioned to have the side bar selection auto0display the tab rather than having to click to change to it.

Good progress!

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tvOS or iOS? I'm not having any issues with upnext showing up in the left menu when turned off.

If the left menu were to auto select then the left menu would have to stay up and you would have to click right to go to it so really it doesn't save you any clicks but I suppose it would allow you to preview it and decide if you want to go into it. I might like that.

I don't remember seeing an option to have your recordings sorted by name. It's been newest first of oldest first.

Completely agree. I would also suggest/request recorded Sports go to their own folder. Recorded Sports just dirty's up TV Shows.

That's actually a great idea. Also, to further this request, offer sorting options on sports recordings by sport/team. (This should be enabled by Gracenote's providing teamId on sports recordings already in your DB.)

802EB94E-2DF3-4BC9-BA93-06BB1C7699CA CE9754C8-35B0-4866-A043-F622F3B2E2DD

To clear up confusion this what I’m referring to.

Incidentally, it may or may not be a big deal but the beta and released clients are not playing nice with one another. The released client appears to be honoring at the least the off setting for Recordings as they don’t display if that option is set in the beta client.

@johnluber the Up Next setting is for showing it in the main sidebar navigation, like everything in that settings section.

:joy: so, the new tabs have actually been in the codebase for a while, I guess now that you can enable them, the settings are exposing them in the App Store release.

Janky Manage Team Pass button

Ah! the Manaeam Pass button. Thanks! What device is that on?

Update: Fixed, will be in the next beta.

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@Maddox, I think what it is is actually a long standing issue. While you can disable Up Next it doesn’t truly disable as any new passes need to have the recordings uncheck Up Next as well. It’d be really nice just to be able to enable or disable the group in one place. My vote would be for in the client.

Also, I don’t want to gloss over the apparent loss of the ability to sort recordings by Recently Recorded, Alphabetic and Release Date. Alphabetic is very useful to us.

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Yes, there's no setting to remove Up Next. It's a main part of the library. The setting you see is for the navigation. For promoting it to the main navigation, like I mentioned earlier. It's working as intended.

Browsing movies alphabetically can be done via the movie library now. Choose All Movies to get a single list of every movie in your library with different sorts. It defaults to Alpha. Add the Movies library section to the nav to get to this faster than going through Library.

iPhone XS

@Maddox, ok, so I found where you can still get to sorting Movies and TV Shows alphabetically (and other ways) but I suggest to you that it’s not as intuitive or as easy as it used to be in the old interface. I like where you’re headed but, right now, I feel like your complicating the interface by forcing extra clicks and navigation to what used to be some really simple swipes.

As for Up Next, I read the forum daily (that’s probably too much to be sure) but from read it seems like Up Next is one of the more controversial features with many of the users either liking it or not. For the benefit of those who don’t like it we sure would appreciate a single point to turn it off so as not to be distracted by it. Just food for thought.

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I like where you’re headed but, right now, I feel like your complicating the interface by forcing extra clicks and navigation to what used to be some really simple swipes.

Thanks! Yeah, the idea before, when we had only a single point of entry, was that we could both show the most recently added movies, but let the More button be the "library" to let you sort them.

With Movies getting their own library view, I didn't want to confuse things, so I made the more button of Recently Added Movies (formerly New Movies, I changed it :+1:) ONLY be recently added movies, so that things were clear.

I fully understand your opinion and I'm going to be iterating on a lot of this stuff, The biggest issue really is that the library views are GREAT for people with big libraries, and TERRIBLE for people with small libraries. So striking a chord is going to be tough.

Keep a look out. I might just put the sort bar back on the more button for Recently Added Movies.

As a reply to your Up Next comments. Yes, those are comments from a very specific group of people here on the Community. There's tons of people that fully utilize and get value from Up Next that don't post on Community.

And as you mentioned here:

I feel like your complicating the interface by forcing extra clicks and navigation to what used to be some really simple swipes.

There's plenty of people that didn't like the old way either. :slight_smile: It's our job to just hit a balance and ship the right stuff. And yah, a lot of this is going to be our opinion :smile:

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A post was split to a new topic: Issues with seek

New build out

  • New: Recording progress is displayed for items that are currently being recorded
  • New: Recording prompt from Quick Guide for channels being recorded
  • Improved: Video player is always landscape on iPhone
  • Fixed: Playback would fail when playing to tvOS from iOS while already watching something
  • Fixed: Pass management button's title was truncated

There's a known crasher in the last build. New build rolling out now.

Fixed build is available.

When you tap the “More” button in Recordings on iPad you don’t actually get any “more” — you just get a sheet which repeats the existing info already being displayed. You have to tap “More” again to actually get more options, such as the one I wanted (“Explore Show”). There’s also plenty of space on that screen to just have a direct link to the show…

It’s confusing that the word “Watch” is being used to indicate the action of marking something as watched when swiping to the right on an episode as well as to actually watch it! Also the word is only showing up on iPhone’s Recordings screen; iPad just includes the “eye” icon in Recordings. Perhaps “Mark Watched” would make sense as it’s used elsewhere in the UI, and the eye icon replaced by some derivative of the circle progress indicator much like Mail uses.

Had a weird issue this morning. Baseball game on MLB Network on my iPad. From the guide I pressed to record. The dialog went away, but no recording started. Looking in the DVR logs showed no indication it was even trying to record. I switched over to the non-beta client and tried with it. Same result. I am able to watch the channel live just fine, it just won’t record from the guide. I submitted logs from the non-beta client.

Edit: I think I figured out the issue. It tried to record this yesterday and failed. So I guess this is a request to allow re-recording a program that has tried and failed to record in the past.

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That’s probably one of my top complaints. If I manually click on a show in the guide and select record, I want it to record that show no matter what. I don’t like that I may have attempted to record it 2 years ago and it failed so now it won’t let me record it unless I open the web based UI and find it in recordings and check the re-record button.

I’m cool with this behavior on passes but if I manually select a show to record, it should record no matter what!