Channels 4.0 Beta

Just adding some quick feedback:
As I've been playing around with the beta, I also kept thinking the same thing as I rarely change my guide from its setting (favorites) and have inadvertently changed it a few times while navigating back over to the left menu bar. The devs might have already considered this but two ideas came to mind: these guide categories could be moved to the top of the screen, which would then match the layout of the "On Now" section. Or maybe they could be put into a drop down menu like they are on the FireTV client. It's a good amount of space on the screen it could free up.

But otherwise lovin' the beta so far!


Is anyone else get any studdering while watching 1080i with any movement with content from the DVR? It gets better if I change the ATV to 4:2:0 output. Doesn't happen on my Android TV.

I think it might be only with 1080i content that is filmed at 24fps.

Changing the player to Blend seems to help also.

Changing surround sound to off also seems to help.

It's intermittent which doesn't help.

Since the iOS app is getting some love, can I make the appeal for the ability to make volume changes without the entire display coming up and blocking most of the screen? :hugs:

We hate that too. Thereā€™s plans to update the iOS video player UI, but it will probably come after this 4.0 ship.

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I was fiddling around today and noticed that when using channels on Apple TV when I try to ā€œTest Surround Soundā€ I just get an activity spinner for a split second and then nothing. Iā€™m pretty sure this used to work. Iā€™m trying to figure out if I changed something on my system that broke this. Is it still working for others? Broken on beta and production versions of the tvOS app for me.

tvOS: When a show ends, what is the expected behavior? I just get a black screen. Should it return to one of the main screens?

Just installed the update, and from here it looks amazing! Really well thought layout; even my wife was impressed. Thank you


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Is this currently Alpha or Beta quality? I need to improve my WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor)

Personally I'd say it should pass the WAF. LMAO

It shouldn't be, I'll check it out, thanks!

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I'm seeing some odd behavior. If I start a recording from the begining but then stop then resume play or FF thru commercials, either manually or auto, I get motion studdering issues. Sometime the next FF or Skip Back fixes it. I don't know, it's not repeatable.... Is there a difference when loading the buffer from the start or after skipping etc.?

Is it too much to ask for a clock on the EPG? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Another squished button.

Be sure you're on the latest release, that was cleaned up with the last one.

I'm on 2020 3.5.2100, which TestFlight shows as latest for me.

New build out:

  • New: Favorites. Mark your favorite shows and movies to get to them faster.
  • Improved: clean up of some UI
  • Fixed: Video player would not drop back to app when completed.
  • Fixed: App would freeze while watching an in progress recording.
  • Fixed: Titles werenā€™t on all action buttons for swipe actions.
  • Fixed: Various bug fixes
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Previously posted button issue remains in 3.10.445

Is that in tvOS or iOS? Where is it located?

Found it. Fixed in next build.

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New build out:

  • New: Shuffle. Hold the Watch button on a show to play back its episodes in a shuffled list.
  • Improved: Added context menus and alert actions for Shows
  • Fixed: Up Next preview wasn't being shown correctly on iOS if Auto Play was turned off.
  • Fixed: Some Trash options were available while Allow Deletion was turned off
  • Fixed: Pass creation button was still being truncated in some places.
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