Channels 6.0.1 on tvOS 18.1b1 Crash

Crashes upon launch.

Would you mind sending us one of the crash logs at

Did it crash on tvOS 18.0? We appreciate the notice, but more details would be a lot more helpful.

Unfortunately, the analytics airdrop share from tvOS to any of my other devices is not working, even with airdrop for everyone enabled.

I did use Feedback Assistant to get a sysdiagnose log. File too large to send via email, so sent an iCloud link via email with a link to this thread as subject.

I do have share analytics with developers enabled on my ATV, but not sure how that gets routed to you.

Got it, thanks!


I read in some other threads, there might be a TestFlight release that fixes this problem?
Or is this a different problem?

I only see links for Channels DVR TestFlight.
Is there a TestFlight for the non-DVR version of Channels?

Only for DVR subscribers, AFAIK
You could do a Trial sub

The issue that the latest version resolves is an issue that only those with DVR features would have.

@elvisimprsntr if you’re still running into this, please try deleting and re-installing the app. We believe we have the fix in the latest TestFlight beta, but I suspect it will work around the issue you’re running into if you delete the app.

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That worked. Thanks.