Channels and VLC integration is not working anymore


VLC integration is failing all of a sudden in Chrome. But TV does play in the Channels interface. And VLC integration works in the Edge browser !

Do the bat files in the VLC directory need to be updated?



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If you look at the URL in the screenshot you posted, you'll see the : is missing in http// (s/b http://). See this post for what the batch files should look like:

Hi. I've done that for a year. VLC was working in Chrome for at least a year.

The 3 bat files have long been in the VLC Programs directory. And VLC is of course enabled. I ran the bat file in 2023 and VLC integration long worked in Chrome. Now only in Edge


I ran into the same issue in January where it stopped working in Firefox because Firefox changed the MRL it passed to the helper batch file. It worked in Brave and Edge though.
Once I edited the vlc-protocol.bat file (Thanks to @babsonnexus), it then worked in all my browsers.

I'd love to know the change to the vlc-protocol.bat file. I will edit it myself.


Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set url=%~1
set url=!url: =%%20!
set url=!url:https/=https:/!
set url=!url:http/=http:/!
start "VLC" "%~dp0vlc.exe" --open "%url:~6%"
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It was in the post I linked for you, and that's as referenced by @chDVRuser above. You can also change --open to --fullscreen if you have a multimonitor setup, and would like VLC to fill one display from the start.

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Only differences in the editing I did to mine is that I covered both https:/ and http:/ and kept the original --open

thankyou chDVRuser

That worked for me. Thank you !!!

Got it and it works !!!! Muchos gracias !