Channels + Callsheet Synergies

With the latest versions of Channels and Callsheet, they work together spectacularly.

Open anything in your Channels library into Callsheet. Open Callsheet and it will magically show what you're currently watching to get to it even faster.

Read the post below:


@maddox I sent Casey an email about a callsheet quirk with channels that he punted back to you guys and sent me to you if you can please take a look

This was my email to him:

When clicking on a now playing show, some shows will take you to exact episode vs some shows that takes you to a search result and have to manually find nthe show, season and episode page.

Here are some pics:


This was his response:

It’s been a minute since I’ve looked at this code, but basically, if Channels provides me a show, season, and episode number, I’ll use them. If that’s the case, I'll jump you directly to that episode. If Channels doesn’t provide them, then the best I can do is just show you a search result for the name of the show, which I always have.

If memory serves, Channels does not always determine the exact show ID number I need, and sometimes not the season nor episode numbers either. If they don’t have it, I don’t get it. So, I do the best I can with what I’ve got.

I’m sorry. Feel free to reach out to them if you want this to improve; tell Jon I sent you. :wink:

Thanks for taking a look at it. This integration between apps is probably the most underrated and unknown feature. It’s an invaluable eco system. Hope you guys figure out other functions to make it better.

The reason is that not every movie and tv show in Channels has a TMDB ID. If it does, he can take you right there.

If it doesn’t, it will use the title to do a search, but retain the season and episode number to then take you right there after you confirm the show (the later of which I campaigned for him to do, to make the experience even better.)

This will improve in the future when all shows and episodes in the Channels library have TMDB IDs, including things recoded and using Gracenote data, as movies now do.

Thanks. I actually don’t record anything in channels besides the news, it’s all virtual channels or live sports.

Your post gave me a hint so I changed the metadata from the automatic gracenote to tmdb and it now works in Callsheet. It’s a good workaround.

Anyway to mass change tv imports to tmdb?


No, you have to pick the match, so it has to be a manual process.