My channels DVR server broke on my Synology NAS but after reinstalling I am having problems getting channels to recognize my existing content.
I understood that I needed to create a folder under the ChannelsDVR folder. I tried import, import/movies, videos, import/videos and I get the same message "Local Content directory must be separate from the configured Channels DVR storage directory'
So I tried point the add source tool to the old location: Volume1/media/...... but I was not able to go deeper than the Volume1/media folder but when I selected it I got the same message, "Local Content directory must be separate from the configured Channels DVR storage directory"
While I am now able to see TV Shows and Movies that have been loaded and sourced from my PlayOn account using my web browser I am only able to see TV shows on my Channels Client on my Google TV Chromecast device.
After years of good service I am now unable to get either my Channels DVR or Channels Client properly configured. I thought technology was supposed to make life eaisier.
pointing the DVR at the old folders where my old content is: volume1/media/