Channels client on Chromcast device only "sees" tv folder

My channels DVR server broke on my Synology NAS but after reinstalling I am having problems getting channels to recognize my existing content.
I understood that I needed to create a folder under the ChannelsDVR folder. I tried import, import/movies, videos, import/videos and I get the same message "Local Content directory must be separate from the configured Channels DVR storage directory'
So I tried point the add source tool to the old location: Volume1/media/...... but I was not able to go deeper than the Volume1/media folder but when I selected it I got the same message, "Local Content directory must be separate from the configured Channels DVR storage directory"
While I am now able to see TV Shows and Movies that have been loaded and sourced from my PlayOn account using my web browser I am only able to see TV shows on my Channels Client on my Google TV Chromecast device.
After years of good service I am now unable to get either my Channels DVR or Channels Client properly configured. I thought technology was supposed to make life eaisier.

pointing the DVR at the old folders where my old content is: volume1/media/

After reinstalling its recommended to pick the backup restore option.

What happened to your old install? Can you screenshot your new settings?

Thanks for responding.
While trying to figure out what settings of the many pages of setting you would need I stumbled upon where to enable what folder the Channels client can see.
Now my client can see the TV, Movie and Video folders.
So theoretically I should be able to copy all my movies and MP4 videos into the folders that Channels recognizes.
I have had problems in the past where TV shows, Movies and Videos were not recognized nor show by the Channels IDE.