Channels DVR Can't Skip Past Area of Poor Signal in Recording

When a recording is made via Channels DVR onto my Mac, if the signal is poor in part of a recording, I cannot skip past that part!

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Did you try FF? If you're on AppleTV could also scrub past with touchpad remote.

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I have this same issue. It’s very frustrating. Scrubbing past and/or fast forwarding is hit or miss and often doesn’t work. I usually just have to quit watching and move on to something else.

Poor playback on corrupted recordings


Yes; but it is a very unreliable way as it rarely works!


You could also try fix timestamps, or run the recording through ffmpeg with a simple copy command as that will skip past bad frames i think.

ffmpeg -i file.mpg -c copy file.ts
del file.mpg
ren file.ts file.mpg

I've seen the prob too and yeah it makes it unwatchable unless you're lucky.

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I agree with and use the ffmpeg remux. Doing the remux with ffmpeg you can check the remuxed .ts file and you still have your original .mpg recording file. If it works (always has for me), then you can replace your recording file with it.

I don't trust the fix timestamps and it automatically overwrites your source recording file. So if it messes it up, there's no backup.

Well even if you can fix it with ffmpeg it's still a poor workaround for the problem, which is that channels should be able to get past bad parts of a video. TiVo was able to do this seamlessly for years, I've had plenty of videos over time that had corruption in them and TiVo simply showed them with shorter lengths than they would normally be and would either skip past bad parts or show the bad parts with macro blocking etc. You figured out from the shorter length that there was a problem and of course saw it when bad parts were skipped or played. But all files were playable and you could navigate within them without locking up.


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