Channels DVR instalaation instructions for TrueNas Core

These are very rough instructions I made for installing Channels DVR on TrueNas Core.

I will not be updating the instructions in the future. Please feel free to do so. I have decided to go another route with Channels.

The instructions are adapted from a YouTube video I referenced and may have errors. I did have Channels DVR successfully operational and recording so I know the majority of it will work.

These instructions assume you have installed TrueNas already and created a storage Pool.

Reference this Plex installation video as a guide and for information on creating more than one user. TrueNAS Core 12 Plex Plugin Install and Setup - YouTube

  1. Click on the 3 dots at the far right of yout Storage Pool. Then click on Dataset.

  2. Create a new dataset with a name such as Media or Channels. Default options, Click Submit.

  3. Create a user under Accounts > User>Add. Name it whatever you want. Create username and password. Click submit. A group will also be created.

  4. Go to the sharing tab, click Add and click on Windows Shares (SMB) which will create a Samba Share accessible by Windows for the Channels Data

  5. Click Add then expand out the directory until the folder to be used as the Channels data folder/Samba share is selected. Click Submit

  6. You will now be asked to create an access list now or to cancel. Click Configure Now. Next, click on Create a custom ACL.

  7. Select your newly created user group from the 2nd dropdown menu on the left. Leave the user as root or the username you choose. Click the Apply Group Check box. Set flag type to Inherit for both user and group on the right if desired. You may configure other options on the right or leave them alone. Click save.

  8. At this point you should be able to access the TrueNas server and the Channels storage folder from the Network tab in Windows Explorer on a Windows PC using thee TrueNas IP address and the username and password you just created. If restoring/transferring Channels DVR from another machine, begin copying the database backup and media to the folder at this time.

  9. Now we are ready to install the Channels App. Go to the plugins data. You may be asked which volume to store the app on. Be sure to give it the volume you wish to use.

  10. Find the Channels app in the Community section of Plugins and click on it then click Install. Give the ”jail” a name such as Channels. Make sure to check the DHCP box and uncheck NAT. Click Save and wait.

  11. Make note of the IP address and port for Channels. Close the dialog box once installation is complete. Example:

12.Go back to the plugins page and STOP channels to be able to mount the storage location to it. Click the carrot symbol to the right and scroll down. Click STOP and wait.
13. Now click on Mount Points in the same area. Click Actions> Add

  1. In the Source section, expand out the “Mnt” folder until you find the desired folder for Channels Storage. In the Output area, mount it to the Channels Media folder already created. Click submit.
  2. Return to the plugins menu and Start the Channels app. Click on Manage and a window to Channels should open.
  3. Go back to the jails section and open the dropdown menu for the Channels jail you created. Click on Shell. Notice what user is running near the cursor. It may be root. If this is undesired, go back to Storage and edit the data set permissions to use the user and or group as desired.
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