Channels DVR is Gone?

My Channels DVR wasn't working on any of my TVs this morning. When I went to the computer it's loaded on and clicked my shortcut it says the site can't be reached.

This site can't be reached. refused to connect

What do I do? Should I redownload and reinstall the Channels DVR? This is the first time I've experienced this issue.


Great idea, lol. I should have tried that before posting here. Anyway, just rebooted my computer and that didn't help. Same issue - site can't be reached.

I'm using an old Windows laptop using Windows 10 Home. Channels was working yesterday, and I haven't done anything to my computer in a while. It stays untouched in a cabinet with all my other TV hardware. Usually, I only have problems when I've lost power, and those problems are almost always fixed by restarting the computer.

are you using anything like ScriptSafe or Ublock Origin??

Verify your network config. Using a CMD terminal window --> ipconfig or ipconfig /all
See if anything has changed there.

There was a new stable server version released yesterday. 2024.03.27.1935.

My server updated to it automatically overnight. I wonder if your system failed to update correctly.

New stable release

Instead of using localhost(, try accessing it using the laptop IP address, like

And you can also view the DVR log there

Of course you have to replace in my examples with the IP address of your laptop and the port Channels DVR Server is using (default is 8089).

Those things are beyond my technical ability. I just have the standard configuration and plod on hoping nothing overly sophisticated is necessary. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’ll check my release and see if something happened to prevent the new version from loading correctly.

Also, as far as I know, the IP address associated with Channels has always been 198.xx.xx.xx. I don’t know why it was referring to or whatever it said.

Thanks to everyone who posted. I have no idea what happened, probably the new release didn't properly load. At any rate, I downloaded the newest version of the setup exe file and ran it. Channels reinstalled (on and now things seem to be working.