Channels DVR naming doesn't work perfectly with Plex


I have observed this before too, but the naming of movies by channels DVR doesn't work well because of the recording date in the end of the filename. Looking at the previous threads it looks like it's expected to work but it doesn't work in multiple movies for me. E.g. The filename Boy Meets Girl (1938) 2022-10-04-1400.mpg, gets assigned Girl Meets Boy, some 2020 film by Plex.

Previously, I've been moving all the files to a different folder and renaming to remove the timestamp in front so the just Title (Year), but I wanted to ask here if perhaps I'm missing something. That seems to be official compatibility in plex naming Naming and organizing your Movie files | Plex Support


I end up doing the same thing for recordings I want to keep.
Move and rename them (but not because of Plex).
They're not going to remove the recorded date-time part of the filename.
I would actually prefer if they also added the channel# to it.

Yeah! I'm curious though because it seems like they do want to make the naming compliant with Plex

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The only DVR files i have show in PLEX from Chanels is movies. Plex auto matches the movies about 80% accuratevfor me. I find older movie are the worst. Plex doesnt use the year in the chann file name.

This has only been a minor annoyance. But i would like to see plex compatible file names for ease of use.

Did you open a request with Plex asking them to update their scanner to support filenames of this format?


Nothing is ever going to be perfect I have no problem as far as Plex reading my Channels DVR folders it might miss 1 or 2 a Month but that is no big deal ... I do not rename at all.

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Ah, I haven't yet. By the way, if I move the movies out of the DVR folder, I believe it doesn't have any effect on the database. So as long as I don't intend to watch movies in the channels DVR app and watch instead in Plex, can it be an OK practice to move the movies and trust the database will still keep a record and remain stable?

As long as you'll be OK with the movie still showing up in the Channels interface, but erroring out when someone tries to play the movie.

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Got it!

For the programs I want to keep, I copy the files to the new folder and in the Channels app, I "Trash" the entry in the DVR folder.

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For general movie and TV renaming I use Filebot, well worth $6/year

[edit] Works perfectly for Plex and Emby, takes some setting up and perhaps a manual adjustment to the syntax it uses here and there.

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