Channels DVR no longer running on Windows 11 PC. Most likely after upgrade to version 2023.09.19.2020

Continuing the discussion from Fox TVE 6002 not working - #141 by eric

Thanks for reaching out. @eric! :slight_smile:

The server app was no longer running on my Windows 11 PC. I had to go to the Windows menu and restart it manually.

I'm suspecting that it happened after the upgrade to version 2023.09.19.2020 because that's the only thing that was done on it today. The PC was at a remote location and I have no remote desktop connection to it so I drove there to go on the computer itself to fix it.

Logs have been submitted as 8058547d-fbc8-4332-854a-366ef80e55be .

It doesn't appear the crash you ran into was something introduced in the latest build, but instead an unusual crash that you just happened to run into. We're still looking into why it happened.


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