Channels DVR on Mac Mini vs Synology NAS

I've got Channels DVR running fairly well for a few years on a spare Mac Mini M1 that I've set up as a sort of home server. I recently acquired a Synology DS224+ for my work-from-home backup solution, and have been discovering its usefulness.

The Mac Mini has been great, but very occasionally gets bogged down with system updates and other nonsense. This is not a huge headache, but it the only downside that I can think of. I had been running Plex and some other services on the Mac Mini, but have found that the Synology handles those services well and I am considering winding down the Mac Mini and assigning it to another task.

For those who have had Channels set up on both, or just the Synology, how does the Synology handle Channels? Are there any headaches to consider that I'm not thinking about?

The main input source for Channels is an HD Homerun box connected to my rooftop antenna, and some TVE inputs.

I've always had it installed only on a Synology. No slowdowns, and so stable it's pretty much setup-and-forget! I do occasional brief restarts for an update, of course, but that's about it. You can tell when the Synology's been hibernating and takes a moment to spin up when you start Channels, but that's optional. I also run an LMS music server in Docker and a security camera server on two other Synology boxes, and they've (knock-on-wood) never gone down.

Never used a Mac, but I have 6 Channels DVR Servers running on my newest Synology (in docker containers) and supporting docker containers running on my oldest Synology.

Use whatever you're comfortable with.

If you can SSH into your Synology and use its GUI web interface, you should be fine.

I just make sure to coordinate manual DSM updates when nothing important is running on them. I have it set to download and notify me when there are updates available. I also have a few tasks setup on both NAS's using Synology Task Scheduler for Channels DVR related stuff.

And I keep my Synology NAS's running 24x7x365, never spinning down, sleeping or hibernating.

I've never had to SSH into any of my Synology boxes. I downloaded and installed Channels DVR from the Synology DMS Package Center, and that was it. Channels — Channels DVR Server

Seems to me if you use Docker instead, you should be able to manage that with Synology Container Manager without SSH too, if there is a Channels DVR image in that "registry". But I only use Docker for my music server so do tell us more!

I meant for using a Synology vs a Mac.
Not necessarily related to Channels DVR.
I prefer Portainer to manage Docker on my Synology NAS's over the Synology Container Manager.

The M1 Mac Mini is one of the best devices for running the DVR. It is very powerful and great for remote streaming. It’s what I use for myself. The Synology will be fine if you never ever need to stream remotely or via the browser, but if you do, it’ll perform worse than the Mini.


True, my 5yr old DS1019+ struggles with hardware transcoding three streams, but 2 streams work without overloading it.

Comskip and guide updates also place a big load on it, and with 6 CDVR Servers running in containers on it, it can tax it at times.

In a browser it does seem to remux for an extra minute before streaming a show from the Synology, but I seldom use that interface. I've never streamed remotely, so can't comment on that.

Hi everyone, thanks for the feedback. I hadn't considered the remote streaming and transcoding issues, both of which are important to me. Will be leaving it set up on the Mac Mini for now, but good to know the Synology is a capable backup.

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