Channels DVR plays wrong recording

i still use plex for my own media because the experience is much better. i tried channels again the other day and see some of the same issues i saw years ago still exist.

if i select a recording and hit play, it will play another episode. this happens very frequently. i got a kick out of it when it happened 3 times in a row. seems like pretty simple functionality?

I've been running Channels DVR for 2.5 years, and I've never seen that issue. I wouldn't keep running it, IF it didn't work...

works great for live TV, absolutely unmatched and the few issues i saw have been fixed over the years.

i remember seeing this wrong playback of recording issue a while ago though and it's still there on latest atv/channels versions. it seems like a bug and not a metadata issue, as after a try or two it typically plays the correct episode.

this is also specifically in the UI where the episodes are listed horizontally on the bottom, when viewing your own TV shows. i select one, click play on the remote, and it starts another episode.

the only time i have experienced this issue, it turned out that the auto-matching episodes was off from how I recorded the shows. Season 1 Episode 1 and Episode 2 were combined into one episode that never aired as a single episode. regardless, this caused episode "2" metadata to be applied to episode 3 and flowed down to the last episode.

What screen are you on when you do this? Are you able to take a video of this happening and submit diagnostics afterwards?

This isn't behavior we've observed before in our usage nor had reports of it.

You can upload your video to:

Also, when you play the video, does the metadata match the video you told it to play? If it does, it's not playing the wrong video. If it doesn't, then it is.

I suspect you see the former rather than the later. This just isn't an issue that's ever come up in all of the years of developing Channels.

I suspect this is just a content matching issue.


Channels is almost surely playing the video you told it to play, but it's metadata doesn't match the episode/movie it is playing.

metadata is good as far as i can tell. i took a quick video in my spare room. the ATV is exactly the same and on the same version as my main room where i typically experience this, and i see the behavior on 3 ATVs. the video shows:

  1. i click play on "extreme chili" and it plays "starting strong" instead
  2. i go back and click play on "extreme chili" again, it plays "gimmie garlic" instead

it will play "extreme chili" eventually. i have seen this behavior on both DVR'd content and my own media. if it was metadata i'd think it would at least be consistent?

let me know if the link dies.

Does it do it when you don’t use PiP? To change shows?

looks like that might be it. tried about 10 different episodes and they play correctly with the pip closed.

@Andrew_Zimmern can you try the latest TestFlight beta and see if that behaves any better?

i'm pretty busy at the moment and that looks a bit involved, and i don't really want anything else on my atv. i also don't have another apple device besides the atv which seems might be required.

if the correct episode plays in your testing i'm sure it's fine. maybe someone else with testflight capabilities can try it out.

EDIT: looks like you also got a few other things i've noticed with pip open before. kudos!

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We haven't had anyone else report the wrong thing being played, and I've never experienced it personally, so having it work for us isn't a good indication that it'll work for you.

When you have time you can join our TestFlight beta program by visiting from an iPhone or iPad and then downloading the TestFlight app on your Apple TV.

sure, send me an iphone or ipad and i'll sign right up :laughing:

what a strange beta process, but that seems to be on apple. you should be able to reproduce then verify the issue is fixed on your side. if you aren't able to reproduce it, then maybe something extremely odd is going on here with metadata, old db schema... i don't know your architecture. we can maybe talk further if that is the case. the patch note to me implies it was reproduced and corrected, as i'd never push a commit or accept a PR that was taking a blind shot without reproduction in this context. especially since this pip seems so finicky.

just let me know if you weren't able to actually reproduce it in your own testing. i'm not sure if the "seen it personally" implies that, or in your historical personal usage of channels.

and btw, i'm a salaried senior software engineer. you've either reproduced it and fixed it, or not. i feel i've already went above and beyond as i've reported a handful of pretty glaring bugs over the years, and typically get the response like i do in this thread. "oh that can't possibly be happening" until i prove it. i get you typically provide support for people who don't understand software, but it's still annoying.

this isn't a piece of open source software i setup and maintain myself, helping an open source maintainer. i understand you're a small outfit and probably have other gigs, but i have to draw the line on providing free testing to paid products, and that's my personal choice. i can't even jump through the hoops anyway.

but once again, i don't have another apple device and i'm not even at home this weekend, and i doubt my wife would be willing to give this a shot :smile:

Send your Apple ID email address to and we can add you.

That’s definitely one of the possibilities but we like to get to the bottom of unusual things like this instead of guessing so we know there isn’t a strange latent issue.

The issue you reported sounds similar but not identical to the report of the person that lead to those fixes, but without diagnostics from you after you experience the issue I can only guess what is happening for you.


Honestly, you didn’t submit diagnostics on this issue despite us asking. There’s only so much we can do to understand your issue and what could be contributing to an issue that we haven’t seen other reports of.

No problem. If you ever change your mind and are still having issues with this, we’ll look into it further.