Channels DVR server could not be discovered

getting "channels DVR server could not be discovered. visit url below to learn how to download and set it up."

I have channels dvr set up on my windows 7 pc and watch via my nvidia shield.

Are u trying to acces it while at home or away from home?

If at home, is the PC the server is on set to have a Static IP address, or a DCHP Reservation address in your router? If the IP of the server changes, the app might not see the server.

Have you tried the connect manually and entering in the ip adress of the server?

I am trying to access while at home. I can log in via the pc and everything seems to work. But we use the app on Nvidia shield to watch on our television. We were watching a program and tried to delete it but it wouldn't delete. so I logged into channels dvr on the pc to delete the shows. When I went back to watch tv on the app on nvidia shield thats when the error messages began.

I am a bit of a newbie so not so sure how to try and manually connect and enter in the ip address of the server. Can you provide a step by step?

Sorry I can't help your issue, but I do notice that when you delete a show on the Nvidia Shield, it doesn't show as deleted until you back out of the "On Now" or "Newly Recorded" menu. Once you back out, then it removes the program from the view. Not sure if this is by design, but it can be confusing.

It’s possible the PC changed IPs if you don’t have it set up with a static IP address. That can sometimes cause issues. Would be worth setting a static IP for it if you have not already to see if it solves the problem.

thanks Macnbaish for the tip. I set a static IP address for the pc and it worked. Not sure how it changed but all is working correctly now.

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Good luck with that. I've been trying to get step by step instructions on watching channels dvr away from home, and they text me instructions pertaining to my router, and then command settings on computer fig. It's all Chinese to me since I'm not tech savvy on any of this.

While I have had trouble off and on when I try to use "Away from home" the "at home" has always been flawless until now. Nothing has changed on my computer that I am aware of but now all I get is that Safari can't connect to the server. I have tried everything that I can think of with no success. I would appreciate any suggestions.

Rick H

Are you using

Sorry for the delay, I've been ill. No, it's going to I tried the ip you listed and got a slightly different message, I have included a screen shot of both of the responses, Everything was working fine until one day it wasn't.I didn't change anything at all.

You need to check the PC/NAS where your DVR is installed and make sure it is connected to your network. It seems to be having issues connecting to the internet.

My server is an external drive on my iMac. I have used this setup since I first subscribed and it has always worked flawlessly in may home. I have had troubles off and on accessing the system remotely but never locally until now. Can I reinstall the system without losing the shows I have stored? And how would I go about doing that?


Does it show up in the Mac menu bar next to the clock?

You can use our installer to uninstall and reinstall, then open to restore backup

I know this is an older tread but I ran into similar issues and got some assistance from the Channels Support team. It turns out there are two apps with very similar name. Channels - Whole House DVR and Channels DVR Server. They look the same but the Channels - Whole House DVR is not the DVR app. If you open the Channels - Whole House DVR app before downloading and installing the Channels DVR Server app, you will get the "Channels DVR server could not be discovered" message.