Channels DVR Server not showing Windows

I am new to all of this, so please help a noob.

Just upgraded to the what i am calling beta as suggested to get a better scan for TVE to no avail, but Today I noticed that channels server doesn't show up in the bottom of my Win 10 Screen anymore.
It gives me comfort knowing it is running.
Why don't I see it now?
Thanks Steve

Does it load on

Does it show running in Task Manager

Maybe its hidden under the more icon in the system tray?

If the page is loading, then maybe it got installed as a background windows service. You can control that in the installer.

Does it load on

Does it show running in Task Manager

Maybe its hidden under the more icon in the system tray?
I do not have a More Icon in the tray

If the page is loading, then maybe it got installed as a background windows service. You can control that in the installer.
How do i control that? I want it to run as a service, don't I?

Thanks for the help.

Run the installer from our website and see what it says inside. It should have a button to move to the system tray

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ou mean re-install the software?
hat about the Upgrade you had me install?

Will I lose that.

No you don't need to reinstall. There is an option to run in system tray or run as a service. Its your choice what you want. They work the same way, but one shows a system tray icon.

My NAS will be here tomorrow.
Everything seems to be working so I will wait and concentrate on getting that setup.
Thank you!

My NAS will be here tomorrow.
Everything seems to be working so I will wait and concentrate on getting that setup.
Thank you!

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