Channels DVR shows Idle in Settings all the time, but its not

I am running Channels DVR on a Mac Mini. I have a lot of passes and in the entire time I've use Channels, I've never seen the Activity - Idle. Fore the lat week, it is always Idle. Right now if I go into Recordings I can see that it has two recordings going, but Settings still shows Activity - Idle. So clearly this is not correct.

Which browser are you using?

Firefox, and I also tried in Chrome and got the same result.

What's the URL in the browser? Can you click Support > Submit Diagnostics at the top right

URL - http://mikes-mac-mini-475.local:8089/admin/settings

Diagnostics - 575725b2-fef5-4353-910a-b7af2ed52c81


Any difference on ?

It said I don't have out of home streaming enabled.

Oh ok.

Can you open the javascript console in the browser and see if any errors show up in there?

Assuming I did it right, the only thing it said went I went to the page was:

jsonpipe connecting

Once it's open, refresh the page to see if anything else appears.

What version of the server are you using? I saw this 6-8 versions ago when a short-term version was released. Notice went back to normal in the next release so I didn't report it.


Any further thoughts on this. I did find that its showing correctly if I access the server on the Mac directly. Its just when viewing from a browser on my Windows computer that it does this.

Does it happen even if your browser page has the focus?

I know if another window has focus you won't see any updates on the browser paqe.
Sometimes even when the browser page has focus it doesn't update like it used to before the framework change.

You can sit on the web UI grid guide and at a time change, like from 12:29 to 12:30PM it used to update the guide where the first column changed from 12:00PM to 12:30PM. Not any more.
It's now 12:42PM and this is how it looks.
Screenshot_2020-12-22 Channels DVR

Yes, I never updates.

Hmm this seems to be an issue unique to you somehow. Is the external machine running any kind of security software that may block scripts on web pages or something? Just spitballing.

I don't think so. I certainly haven't adding any security software since it worked fine for months. Channels DVR is running on a 2012 Mac Mini, and it is only being used for this stuff. It is very strange.

Maybe a browser extension?
Something like uBlock Origin, depending on how it's configured

I haven't adding anything to Firefox, which is my main browser, for as long as I can remember. And it also does it in Chrome which has no add-ons because I rarely use it.