channels dvr suddenly stopped working on only 1 tv. all tv's are on the same ip, not sure why it stopped. it keeps saying you dvr isn't finished being setup. all other tv's work.
does anyone have any suggestions? thanks
What is the client device? The message you are listing sounds like something I've only seen on the server.
thanks for your reply. client device is a amazon firestick. server is windows 10 computer
Have you restarted the Firestick? If you know how, delete the cache. Otherwise uninstall the Channels DVR client and reinstall.
thanks again for your reply. i did all 3 of those things. same issue.
Run a speed test using the channels client to the server. What do you get?
89 mbs fom the firestick
That's acceptable yet will not provide quick commercial skipping. More important what is the Latency and Jitter?
i apologize, thats beyond my paygrade. where would i find those things? i cant figure out why my fire stick (client) cant find the server. it gives me 2 ip address options, butwhen i tried both, the wont work? i even tried the router gateway ip and checked the port and firewall settings on the router
In the Channels DVR client on the Firestick, somewhere in the settings, there is a speed test back to the server. I seem to recall that speed test will give you the values that Morris mentions.
thanks for the response, when i ran the speed test from the fire stick it showed 90 mbs. the wired test from the router shows almost 1 gbs ( fiber optics). i dont think speed is necessarily the issue is it?
i also completely wiped out the firestick and reset it. still does the same. i even checked docker which is up and running as usual. other clients are all working as usual
Is that Fire stick connected to the same Wi-Fi network as the others or is it on a different one like a 5g or a repeater?
found it:
download: 884.45
upload: 103.29
latency: 4ms
disk i/o 27.8 mb/s
everything is operational except for 1 error that says "Network Interfaces
Multiple interfaces found on the same network. This can cause client issues: on interfaces: Ethernet, Wi-Fi"
ive tried it both ways. wired and wireless. its currently connected to wifi withe same ssid as the other clients
Please stop using "it" we do not know what it is.
Both your server and your client should have only one connection. For the server wired ethernet is best. Disable the wireless.
Get the IP address of your servers ethernet connection. This is the IP your client needs. If you web into your server from a computer on your network. Settings status multiple columns of information. The top of one starts with OS bolded. at the bottom of that collum you will see:
NET 1 interface
and below that is a series of numbers separated by periods. This string of numbers and periods is the IP address of your server and the one your client needs to know.
My apologies on the "it" trying to figure this out has fogged my brain. I dont believe the firestick has the option for a wired connection. Im pretty sure the fireatick is wifi. My server is connected to both wifi and wired. However, keep in mind the firestick client did work in this configuration at one point and suddenly stopped. I'm wondering it its possible that the firestick went bad? I also ran "whatsmyip" on the server and entered that ip address on the client which also didn'twork. Is that not the correct sequence?
Problem #1. Disable wifi you only want 1 network adapter connected. Especially with windows. Windows is awful handling multiple default gateways.
Thats fine. Basically Channels is simple networking. There is no mystery about it. Packets have to get from the client to the server then from the server to the client. Think telephone calls. Im going to call you. You have to answer and reply back to me so i know you are there.
You would never enter the public address into a channels client. In my telephone analogy this would be like calling from extension 100 to extension 101 in the office by calling the main office number and asking to be transferred to extension 101. You wouldnt do that, you would just simply dial the extension.
Basically you need to get a single wired nic on your server. After doing this reboot it just to be on the safe side (as opposed to clearing the route rable).
Then go into your firestick. Verify you are on the correct ssid. Then see if the channels client discovers the server. If it doesnt then manually enter the server ip address (private (192.x.x.x, not public)
Thanks so much. Ill give it a shot. Everyone in this forum including you have been incredibly helpful, i greatly appreciate it.
SOLVED... I'm not sure why, but i changed the power adapter and cable to the firestick, and plugged the firestick into a new HDMI port it all of a sudden started up and running. I cant understand why only channels didn't work, but Sling and all the other apps on the firestick worked fine?
Thanks to everyone for the help!