Channels DVR Windows 10 VPN

Running Channels in Windows 10 NUC. Occasionally, I'll need to connect to a VPN. I use Proton VPN and Chrome as my default browser.

I'd like to prevent Channels from being affected by this.

I've seen a couple of (I think) different solutions in this topic involving Split Tunnel/Whitelisting. TBH, I have a very basic idea of what these terms mean, but am not familiar with the process or how to search for a tutorial.

Any direction on where to go or how would be appreciated.

You can email [email protected] with your public IP you want hardcoded to your account.

I will do that. My thanks

I'm seeing the same sort of problem. Does hardcoding the public IP mean I would have to turn on the Remote DVR feature or just use the hardcoded IP in the setup? And if that IP changes then the setup would need to be changed again?

The IP will be set on your domain. The remote access feature would still need to be on, port-forwarding would still need to be setup. If your ISP public IP changed then yes you would have to send us the new one.