Channels DVR + Xteve / Telly

I have set up 2 telly tuners and mapped EPG to channels with no issues. Live and recordings working good so far. One issue I am having is that when I hide channels from the telly tuners, after a few minutes they revert back to visible, any idea why this is happening?

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Is favoriting broken as well?

I think currently the DVR is trying to tell the HDHR to mark as favorite/hidden, but Telly doesn't support that. I can work on a fix on our side.

A fix on your end would be great! I have not tested favorites yet, I will test and let you know.

Can confirm favorites is broken also.

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Fixed in latest DVR build. LMK if it works now.

Thanks its working now.

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Spoke too soon, woke up today and hidden channels reverted back to visible. Can you confirm as to as of what version it was fixed. Just updated to 2019.07.25.1911

Do you have this line in your telly config?

Device-Firmware-Version = ""

Yes I do.

If you use Scan Network in the DVR web UI and then refresh the page, are the favorites gone or still there?

When I Scan Network and refresh nothing happens. If I select a couple (2 channels) to hide and then San Network and refresh ALL channels show up as hidden. After a few minutes they are visible again.

When I click ā€œRefresh sourceā€ on iOS and Apple TV it does nothing.

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I've been playing around with this new feature and have a question. How do I remove tuners? I have a couple I messed up on and just need to nuke them.

Click the trash icon underneath them?

Any one have some instructions for setting this up on my Windows server?

@tmm1 It was hung due to adding early with no channels and the trash icon didn't show up, i tried to scan for channels and nothing would come up. I restarted telly and channels dvr and the issue went away and it saw the channels.

I'm trying to setup Telly on RPi 3b+ with centos.
Can you provide settings from telly.config.toml? For HLS to .ts conversion do i need to install ffmpeg?

See above: Channels DVR + Xteve / Telly


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I have been trying to setup telly with channels without luck for a couple of day.

I can see in telly logs that the streaming is being sent and although I have a ts m3u if I activate ffmpeg I can see how it encodes the video. I used it with plex and emby and it worked but in channels it just get stuck on init transconder.
i have tried with new transcoder and it didnĀ“t work either.
I copied the config in this post and didnĀ“t work.
The only relevant log in channels is:
[GIN] 2019/09/18 - 22:04:51 | 200 | 346.363Āµs | | GET /devices/ANY/channels/48/hls/stream.m3u8?session=MTU2ODg0Mzc1OXxEdi1CQkFFQ180SUFBUkFCRUFBQVZmLUNBQUlHYzNSeWFXNW5EQXNBQ1dOc2FXVnVkQblablablaFkySmtCbk4wY21sdVp3d0tBQWgxYzJWeWJtRnRaUVp6ZEhKcGJtY01DZ0FJWjNWaFkyaHBZbTg9fHxV6ny0ZmT4c--zfn6LauTuZhfXeuiNB8V_QClSh42O
2019/09/18 22:04:51 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch48-dANY-be54ebccacbd @ 0s
2019/09/18 22:04:51 [TNR] Closed connection to TELLY for ch48 RTƉ One HD UK
I set telly with my internal or public ips leaving always as the second one.

Any help will be great.