Channels DVR + Xteve / Telly

the biggest problem for majority of people on Earth is that TVE for some unknown reason is only US thing.

Is your script on github or somewhere? I'd like to try getting rid of telly/ffmpeg, if possible :slight_smile:

I was having an issue where the stream would start, then stall 6-10 seconds in, then recover/rebuffer a second or so later. After the rebuffer, it seemed to play without an issue.

Telly logs were showing the below:

Jan 11 17:22:28 media telly[25195]: time="2020-01-11T17:22:28Z" level=info msg="[mpegts @ 0x55b6f36fb940] PES packet size mismatch"

Checking the ffmpeg command that Telly starts, it shows 'ffmpeg -re', however when checking the ffmpeg docs it states:

-re (input)

Read input at native frame rate. Mainly used to simulate a grab device, or live input stream (e.g. when reading from a file). Should not be used with actual grab devices or live input streams (where it can cause packet loss).

As this is a live input stream (TVHeadend in my case), presumably, telly should not be passing -re to ffmpeg.

So I rebuilt telly 1.1 (dev branch), minus '-re' for the ffmpeg command and it seems to have (so far) resolved my issue.

A lot of the documentation for using ffmpeg with IPTV streams to feed into different DVR apps have used the -re flag for inputs incorrectly; I never understood this.

If you are already feeding a live stream to ffmpeg, do not use -re; its primary purpose is to essentially slow down reading the input to real-time. ffmpeg normally reads inputs as quickly as possible; for files stored on disk this is fine. But if you are going to stream those stored files to a DVR, then -re makes sense.

But in the case where you input stream is already set to essentially real-time, then -re at best does nothing, and at worst can totally mess up the stream.

(This was a problem with Tvheadend's pipe type input stream, too. All of their contributed documentation said to use -re ... but if you actually read ffmpeg's docs, you'd know not to use it. This is why "cut-and-paste" solutions aren't great ... you need to read and understand what you're doing, so you can solve problems like this.)

Is there anyway to set a buffer size for IPTV?

I've been running tvheadend --> telly --> Channels DVR without enabling ffmpeg in telly's config and it works perfectly fine, and with near-instant tuning like a real HDHR. Is there any reason to have telly run ffmpeg if your input is a mpeg ts stream? Or is this needed only when you're feeding IPTV streams to Channels?

Hmmm, I'm sure I tried it initially without ffmpeg thinking the same.... but then RTFM-ed and did as this post suggested, it worked, so I left it... perhaps I should play again :slight_smile:

Are you now using your Sat>IP box? Or the HDHR via TVH as your beta-test?

Beta testing with HDHR via tvh. Still waiting for the SAT>IP box, should be here in a couple days.

Will try it again, when 'The Boss' reliquishes control of the remote/goes out.

As TVH just does pass through, I wonder if there is a subtle difference between the Sat>IP stream and the HDHR stream. Or perhaps I just ballsed it up the first time.

I actually see real benefit to having TVH in the mix, certainly with Sat>IP, for example you can record/watch BBC One and BBC Two at the same time as its on the same mux for me, just using 1 tuner. The same is true for other channels on the same Mux, as we discussed off-post. If you have multiple tuners, 8 in my/our case, you can watch/record decent amounts of concurrent channels.

Let me know how you get on. It would be great if you don't need ffmpeg for SAT>IP too. It makes tuning so much faster.

I've always liked that tvh can share a tuner for channels on the same mux, as it provides a lot more flexibility when recording. A long time ago I asked the devs if this was something that could be implemented in Channels DVR, but I'm guessing it's a bit complex to implement (Channels would have to know what frequency/mux each channel is on for each transmitter instead of just needing to know the LCN, etc). Instead I bought 3 HDHR Duos so I could be reasonably sure Channels always had enough tuners.

tvh is such a great and flexible backend with tuner sharing, EIT p/f 'accurate recording', etc, etc. It's a shame that no one has ever made a decent frontend for it on streaming boxes (Kodi and its derivatives are rubbish IMO). My dream would be Channels frontend with native support for tvh backend, but I don't think it would ever happen.

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Works - although you need to hash the ffmpeg option in telly, or delete it, setting it to 'false' it still loads ffmpeg (I vaguely remember reading that some where).

Channels changes are now probably almost fast as using TVH with OSMC/Kodi frontend.

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I've been searching for the same thing without success. In my case, IPTV channels sometimes stop and start repeatedly. If I pause for a while or simply record the channel, it's perfect.

It seems like adjusting the buffer might resolve this, probably with slower channel changes as a result. If this not yet a feature, we should probably request in the "add features" section.

My post a few up is a likely cause/solution - build the 1.1 dev branch of Telly, that corrects the options passed to FFmpeg, the current default induce packet loss/buffering - also in the below post:

Re: Telly's ffmpeg option, it looks like that is only required if your m3u uses HLS instead of MPEGTS


The script that I use is here:

There is also a docker container:

there seems to be an issue with how channels imports from telly...i've been tinkering with adding some additional channels by adding their m3u to telly, and ones that i've taken out are still showing up and causing others to not match the correct stream.

example: i have been tinkering with the master playlist i've been feeding to telly, and some of the channels i've removed are still showing up when i re-scan in channels...which is causing the channels to not match up with the guide. if i manually go in and hide the channels that have been removed, the streams match up again.

edit: nevermind, i figured out what was going wrong. i had added the missing channel to one of my other lists.

has anyone figured out how to get telly channels to show up in the web guide? they show up in the guide on all apps, but not the web UI...

Is it set to favourites view/selection, but no favourites set?

Not had that problem I’m afraid.

Mine just automatically show in the web guide.

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i'm wondering if it's because there's no guide data associated (since it's my own 24/7 channels). can the devs comment on that?