Channels Helper bookmarklet for working with Manage Lineup

It's been on my to-do list for awhile to come up with some instructions for using with Tampermonkey since it's been mentioned a couple of times. I'm assuming you'd need to wrapper it with some kind of mutationobserver type of code to watch for the modal to be opened.

If anyone has already done it let me know and I'll update the instructions and/or code. If not I'll try to find some time to look into it.

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In a continuing quest to consolidate great CDVR tweaks and extensions like this one (thanks @kman0!) into a single interface -- I've added this to OliveTin. Same basic idea as using a bookmarklet maker, but in this case the code has already been formatted and minified.

Click the OliveTin Action, and drag the code up to your bookmarks bar. Right-click followed by Edit to rename:


I've set this Action up to be able to accommodate a Tampermonkey version, if/when it becomes available.


@kman0, this bookmarklet is amazing! I haven't tried all of the functions. The ones I have used are so helpful. Thank you so much! :smiley:

I've installed code from GitHub before with no issues but creating a bookmarklet is new to me. I'm having difficulty installing this bookmarklet. YouTube examples are not helping. I'm guessing I'm missing something obvious. Could someone please point me to a some instructions?


Quote from

Recommended instructions for creating the bookmarklet using Bookmarklet Maker

  1. Copy & paste this code into the Code box. *Make sure to clear the "alert('hello world');" example code before pasting.
  2. Click the "Generate Bookmarlet" button
  3. Drag the blue-highlighted link button to your Bookmarks (and rename if you wish). You can simply ignore the
    "Output" and "Html code" boxes entirely.

Thank you!!
Silly me, I didn’t think to look inside the code.


OliveTin-for-Channels includes an option to create this bookmarklet as well. Very easy to use.

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A quick scan of the threads for OliveTin-for-Channels seems to show that it's Linux based. My Channels instance is Windows based. My Plex server is Linux based. I would have already migrated Channels to Linux but the time required might cause me to miss some scheduled recordings.
Bottom line - Is OliveTin-for-Channels strictly Linux based?


No it's Docker-based, so it'll run on any platform where Docker can be installed. This includes Windows, MacOS and Linux.

The other important thing for you to know, is that OliveTin-for-Channels does not need to be installed on the same platform you're running Channels on. In fact, that's the way I have mine set up, Channels is running under Windows -- but all of my Docker containers run on a Linux host.