Channels server is showing connected storage, Apl TV is showing a NAS on network?

My channels server (M4 Mini/4TB HD) are showing the correct configuration. Passes, past recordings/sources etc.

The App on the Apl TV will play from the antenna (HD HR) but has a networked NAS showing as storage and no past recordings, scheduled recordings.

How do I get the App to see the Mini and the correct HD again? It has been working fine since 2019.

I need to get this fixed or the wife put me in the dog house and it is cold outside. heh

Reboot Apple TV?

First thing I did.

Try Connect at Home and enter the IP address of your M4 Mini
Do you have a NAS?

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Thanks. I do have a networked NAS. I can not find connect at home. It has been awhile since I have been in channels. It has been worry free till now.

Success!!! I found it and entered the address.

I had been looking in settings. It couldn't have been simpler.

Thank you so much for the help.