Channels Server on Pi -- disk failure?

My setup is on a RPi4, using the standard "Raspberry Pi image" on a Western Digital 5TB drive on a USB port. It's been working fine for months, but recently it suddenly could no longer record anything. All recordings get a "read-only file system" error in the log. Also, the Library shows lots of shows that were previously recorded, but can't play them. The Server otherwise seems to work fine, e.g., it can deliver live TV to clients, but recording and playing from the Library fail.

I pulled the WD disk and attached it to my Ubuntu desktop. The disk is recognized and several volumes mount automatically - 25MB, 256MB, hassos-data and hassos-overlay. Looking with the Disks utility at the partitioning, there are 8 partitions, which is what I remember. There is also a 9th partition, which contains the bulk of the 5TB space, listed as "partition type unknown". I assume that's where recordings would be, under /media but I can't mount it and apparently neither can the Pi. I tried different USB ports with the same results.

Anyone have an idea what is going on, and what caused it? Did the disk hardware die? It seems strange that one partition would just disappear while the others continue to work.

I can try reflashing the ChannelsDVR image to the disk. But I'd like to save the existing recordings if possible, and also figure out what happened and if I need a new disk.

Thanks for any help or sympathy....!

At this point, I think you got to give up on the Pi as a server and get a real computer or a miniPC and run linux with it and run Channels via Docker and be done with it. From other users here, it seems like running the Pi as a Channels server is nothing but trouble

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