Channels Streaming Folders

Same error.

I just updated to 2021.06.16.2209 and still don't see "Cache" section for the "Clear Streaming Cache" button. My current Channels DVR/Streaming folder has 400 folders in it, and is ~120 GB.

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This button randomly appears for me. Usually during remote viewing if it is transcoding. Been that way for a long time.

Well that kinda sucks because you do not want to clear the cache when remote viewing. You want to clear it when Idle if it fails to automatically clear.

Yeah. It seems to hang around after a remote session sometimes but not always. I got tired of having to manually clear it out so I just made a script that runs nightly to clear the folders except for the m3u8 folder.

On a Mac you can use Hazel to regularly clean it or using cron.

Wow. I never noticed this issue and just found over 200 gigs of these files, most going back years. Happy to have the space back. Will keep an eye on it from now on :slightly_smiling_face: