Channels Streaming Folders

The Channels DVR streaming folders as folders and files going back to 07/2020. This folder is taking up some 15GBs of harddrive space. Is this folder safe to be cleaned out? To free up a little harddrive space. Here is a screenshot of one of 758 folders that seem to be stored there? Thank You

Yes. Those are the cache files for streaming/transcoding. You can safely delete them; if the same files are needed in the future, they will be recreated as needed.

(I believe the same can be done from the web UI: Settings > Transcoder > Cache > :gear: >
Clear Streaming Cache

I don't get an option to clear streaming cache. But based on the dates I would assume anything not recent can be cleared. I just find it odd that all these files are still saved.

They're used to reduce resource usage for future viewings. Disk space is relatively cheap, so sacrificing a few GBs to save on (relatively expensive) power/resources down the road might be a reasonable compromise.

Thanks for the help.

I don't see that menu available, perhaps it has been moved, or removed?

Perhaps it's the difference between stable and pre-release versions:

Any folders starting with ch or file are temporary and can be deleted. I think there were bugs in the past where they were not getting cleaned up on certain platforms.

Thanks for the feedback. I deleted everything in the streaming folders that was with the ch. That freed up about 16Gbs of data.

I had it. Cleared the cache. Now I don't have it. Looks like a dynamic item.

This bug is still present in the unraid docker image with the latest pre-release.

Is there an error in the log?

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Failed to clean up /shares/ChannelsDVR/Streaming/ch2.1-dANY-37b50c68d635-368375203: unlinkat /shares/ChannelsDVR/Streaming/ch2.1-dANY-37b50c68d635-368375203/cache: directory not empty

I am getting a similar error lately.

[ERR] Failed to clean up E:\Channels DVR\Streaming\ch6050-dANY-ip192.168.50.14-849607186: remove E:\Channels DVR\Streaming\ch6050-dANY-ip192.168.50.14-849607186\cache\transcoder.log: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process

Does that include folders that start with "channels-cache?" I'm assuming the answer is yes but just want to make sure.

CleanShot 2021-06-16 at 15.35.00

Cache can be cleared with the button mentioned above. Also safe to delete manually.

That would make sense, but I've never seen that menu item appear, and my Streaming folder currently has over 400 items in it, weighing in at about 120 GB.

The button mentioned above has never appeared for me. It's not there now and I am currently on Channels DVR server version 2021.06.13.0323.

Thanks though, I will delete the contents manually.

Please try with v2021.06.16.2209

I do not see that button either ... even on v2021.06.16.2209