I just loaded up 62k recordings (via strmlinks) to get a large library and pointed the app at it (running on the latest gen 4K Apple TV) and I'm not able to replicate what you're seeing. It looks like it's spending about 7 seconds deserializing all of the recording objects on startup, but I'm not seeing the 1 minute delay you're experiencing.
Well that's unfortunate. The only thing that I can think of that could be different that most peoples setup is I use a hardware firewall called opnsense with Unbound and AdGaurdHome, but I don't have any special settings at all and I don't use TVE.
So some update to this…I continued to work on this on my own () when I could and I thought of just doing a fresh install since I tried everything else even doing away with the hardware firewall and the fresh install seems to have helped a lot!
I’m down from 1min+ load time on my Apple TV to just about 31s. This was just yesterday so it’s still scanning my library so hopefully when it’s done it will drop down to sub 10s like Plex is at right now.
I haven’t tried my Nvidia shield yet to see if it still crashes, but I plan to later on this week.
I'm not completely sure what the disparity is between the times you're seeing and the times that I'm seeing.
It could be that there's something about your library that is more resource-intensive to process on the client, but the other thing that I notice is different is that I've been testing on the newer Apple TV 4K, which does have a faster processor (though I am not sure by how much).
You mean a 3rd gen vs 2 gen? God I’d hope it isn’t that lol
But I’ve just got some free time and my tried on my Nvidia shield pro and it’s lag/launch time was around 40s, but it still says it’s “ Scanning” on the channels dashboard status even though when I looked at the logs it’s last update/entry was at 13:24 central time.
Shield is on WiFi 5(speed test from the channels app shows a connection speed of 350Mbit/s) and I think the Apple TV should be on WiFi 6 both at 5Hz according to my router.
Do you happen to use Tailscale? If you would be willing to share your DVR to me via Tailscale, I could connect to it with a client using a Profiler to see if I can understand more about what's going on.
Yes I do just let me know how I go about inviting you to my DVR via Tailscale and I’d love to have you take a look.
I'll follow up in private message.
@Fin756 First thing that I've discovered so far is that it appears the biggest performance issue is on the DVR Server and not on the client, though we do have room to improve performance on the client as well.
If you could update your DVR to the latest pre-release, I'll test it again with this fix and see if there is more room to improve.
Additionally, the latest Testflight beta has some improvements on the client (though the majority of the time you saw spent was actually waiting on the server to send a response).
Ok, that's good to hear! and the DVR is updated with the pre release
Can you update to the latest Testflight beta on your Apple TV and let me know how your performance is there?
It’s even better at 16 seconds from closed app to ready to play content.
I know you haven’t updated the play store but that’s better too and it’s averaging a little slower but still much improved at 20 seconds. On my Nvidia shield
We have one more update here that if you could update, I'd like to see the impact on performance:
It seems about the same 16 seconds from close app to ready to play from my Apple TV and same with shield
Okay. I think we've reached the limit of what we can easily improve here. It's currently taking about 3 seconds for your DVR to marshal and compress all of the records of all of your videos to send it to the client, and then taking 5 seconds (on my Apple TV 4K 3rd gen) to unmarshal them... so that's 8 seconds right there in what we're seeing.
The origins of our product were in watching and managing things that you recorded off of your antenna/cable, so some of our early architectural decisions did not contemplate a Library of 60k items. I appreciate your help in being able to identify some easy-to-fix performance issues, but it looks like it's going to take more work and changes on our part to lower the startup time much further at this time.
Thanks again for raising the issue and working with me to figure out what was happening.
I thank you for your hard work. I was ecstatic for the sub 40/20 seconds load times so anything else is icing on the cake! Thank you again and let me know if you ever need my DVR again because I’m a data hoarder so it isn’t going to get smaller from here lol
Thanks again.
This new troubleshooting addition caught my eye.
How big is a "very large library?" I wasn't sure how to check for this, does an alert just pop up when you reach that number?
I would assume it appears in Support > Troubleshooting?
Don't see it on my servers. So guess I don't have a "very large library".