Choppy video only on Chromecast 4K with Channels app

As the title states, I am getting choppy video when using the Channels app on a Chromecast 4K, but not through other apps or devices. I'm a bit at a loss as to how to fix this.

About my setup: I am running the Channels server on a Synology NAS (DS218+ running DSM 7.1.1 (holding off updating to 7.2.2 due to the mention of the codecs and making sure I'm not adding new issues)). The tuner is a HDHomeRun Flex 4K. Everything, except the Chromecast, is running over ethernet.

What I tried so far: Initially, I thought that my NAS was causing the issue and that it was simply not powerful enough. I also wondered if my antenna was maybe not strong enough (it should've been) so I switched it out for a better one but again to no avail. I recently got my hands on a Beelink minipc and figured I'd try running the Channels server on it and, if that worked ok, use it instead of the NAS. Having done that, the choppy video was still present on the Chromecast.

I know this is a bit backward and that I could've tried this way earlier, but it was not until this point that I figured to install the HDHomeRun app on my Chromecast and compare. The video was clear and smooth using the HDHR app. I then (again, backward testing lol) installed the Channels app on my phone, and it also appeared to be smooth. The same goes for the webversion, it is also providing a smooth video.

All this led me to believe that there may be an issue with the Channels app on the Chromecast 4K device.

Since then, I tried several more things, including the suggestions I found on the forums here such as disabling surround sound and switching the transcoding and deinterlacer, but all of that didn't work either. It stayed the same or even got worse.

As I want to step away from paying YoutubeTV (we only watch the channels that we can also receive for free, making it difficult to justify the monthly fee) and since I have a Plex lifetime pass, I figured why not try Plex LiveTV & DVR instead (I never gave it a shot since everyone always seem to be raving about Channels being so much better, again, it's a bit backward lol) but Plex turned out to have its own issues (where Channels recognized most channels, Plex did not. Even after mapping them correctly, Plex sometimes refused to even play a channel while Channels and HDHR were playing them without issue (with the exception of the choppy video on Channels, that is), despite the channels coming in strong). I've also been considering switching to IPTV, but then I'm probably opening a new can of worms when I want to look into recording a few programs lol.

Anyway, long story short, it looks like the Channels app on Chromecast is the culprit. I am not sure if it is because the Chromecast 4K is maybe not powerful enough to deal with the app (would the Google TV streamer be a better option in that case?), or if there's a setting I'm missing after all.

Does anyone have any ideas at this point on what I could try next? :slight_smile:

Have you tried the various video decoders under /settings/advanced?

I have 2 chromecast with google TV and have no issues.

I did, but unfortunately without any change to the choppiness :frowning:

It was one of the first things I played with. I tried it both on the app end (on the Chromecast) as well as on the server side of things.

Have you tested network speed from the CC to your cDVR server. I realize the other apps are working OK on there, I'd like to rule your wireless network connection out.

Also, is there anything running in the background on your CC?

Those are good points. AFAIK, there's nothing else running in the background. To make certain, I unplugged my CC just now. I had it reboot, and tried the Channels app. The issue was still the same.

I ran a speedtest a few minutes ago and was shocked to find it was quite slow (around 20 Mb/s). Checking my phone's Channels app, the speed was over 600 Mb/s to my cDVR. I then checked the wifi settings on my CC, which showed that it was on 2.4 ghz. After changing the wifi on my CC to my 5 ghz network, I did another speedtest which came out to 364.93 Mb/s (still about half of what my phone gets, but at least better than what it was before lol). Latency was 5.49 ms and jitter 1.34 ms. The issue unfortunately remains even on 5 ghz.

Interestingly, when trying things out just now, I had one moment with a smooth video stream. During this time, no audio was being broadcast (which may have happened as I was trying the surround sound settings again). However, when I switched channels and the audio came back, the stutters in the video were also back.

Also, the available space left on my CC is currently 486 MB. It's not a whole lot but I'm assuming it should be enough still.

You need about 15 Mb/s to stream 1080p/60. The CC has very little storage, I checked one and it has 430 MB free. The only other setting I can think of is stretch to fit under Advanced.

Do you use Tailscale? I've had it route what would normally be local traffic over the tailnet and thus over the Internet. This has caused slow throughput and lag. I've moved away from it.

Do you have channels on your phone? If yes, does it play well on it when on your WiFi?

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With that little storage you should have the setting to keep the live buffer at the server. Look under playback... Streaming Quality... Original Quality Delivery and set it to streaming. Tuning might take a bit longer but the buffer will be kept at the server. Then you can set the buffer to be as long as 4 hours on the web page..

Channels Support - Streaming (

The storage is a bit why I'm thinking that maybe I should be looking into the Google TV Streamer instead. It isn't a big upgrade but it does come with more storage than the CC has.

I tried the stretch to fit setting, but changing that had no effect.

No. We do subscribe to a VPN service but it is always off unless we manually turn it on (I live in HI and the closest VPN servers are at least 2,500 miles away, so it's only used in specific situations).

Yep, it's one of the things I tested and why I believe the issue is either with my CC or with the app on the CC. I have clear/smooth video and audio on my phone with no need to change any settings. When testing the speed between the app and the cDVR server, I got the same speeds on the 2.4 GHz network (roughly 20 Mb/s) and over 600 Mb/s on the 5 Ghz network. I made the CC forget the 2.4 Ghz network and it's now only connecting via 5 Ghz to make sure it has a decent speed available.

Thanks. I've changed the setting to streaming as instructed and changed the buffer on the server side to 4 hours, but it appears this isn't making any difference :frowning:

Just to add weight to this problem. I have the same problem. My setup is very similar. I haven't done any in-depth testing like this user has. However I have 3 HDrunner units. 2 get feeds from my cable provider and 1 is the same over the air unit this user has. I only have problems with my Chromecast 4k and recordings or feeds from the over the air HD runner

When viewing the other HDHR units through Channels on your Chromecast, do you also experience this issue, or only with the HDHR Flex 4K?

In the meantime, I have ordered the Google Streamer. I'm not sure it will help, but I was able to get it at a discount (I'm not sure I would've gotten it at the full price, though) and will give it a shot when it arrives (which isn't for another few weeks as I didn't want to go with the white one lol).

It seems that it's only happening on the hd flex.

I'm hoping you will post your results when you get the Google streamer running. If it works those footsteps you hear behind you will be me. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for taking one for the team.