Chrome browser Web UI Rew & FF not working?

I have a Google Pixel 2 XL Android phone and when I use the web UI everything works great except I can’t rewind or fast forward live TV. Pause and
Mute work fine. I’ve tried it with mobile and desktop view. When I use my Chrome browser on my Chromebook rewind & ff work fine. Any suggestions?

Update: Tried on my Android tablet and watching a recorded show and I try to do a 30 skip… It restarts the show… I’ve tried it over and over… Always restarts… No way to skip ahead. Is it the chrome browser?

Chrome on Mac/PC works fine, so it must be something specific to Chrome for Android. I will need to find an Android phone/tablet to do some testing…

Thanks… I did some more testing. I installed Firefox, Opera, Dolphin & Microsoft Edge browsers on my Pixel 2XL and none of them will rewind or fast forward live TV. They all work fine on DVR recordings. I will test my tablet with these browsers and follow up. My tablet is older and running an older version of Android. If you would like me to try anything I would be glad to help.

Any update here? As the original poster stated, this is an issue with just about every mobile browser available for Android. The issue persist on both phones and tablets (Samsung phones & tablet, Pixel phones, Nexus 6 phones, Vizio tablet, Amazon Fire tablet).
The web player has been touted as a good and viable solution to not having an Android app. However, that is simply not true if main feature/functions are missing. Please help! Thanks.

I’ve ordered an Android phone so I can try to reproduce this problem.

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Thumbs up!

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Thanks for the update. Too bad you have to go through such an extreme to work on it. Make a couple of friends that use Androids instead of iPhones. We don’t bite.

JK, LOL! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

At least you should be able to find an Android phone of some sort pretty cheap.

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My Moto G5 Android phone arrived today. After 7 rounds of updates/reboots, it’s finally running the latest Android 7.0 OS.

I was able to reproduce the issue where live tv wouldn’t rewind/ff, and have a fix available in the latest DVR pre-release build (v2018.08.01.2232). To update to it, hold down the SHIFT key and click “Check for Updates” on the DVR web UI.


Another new build is available (v2018.08.02.0037) which now allows you to add to your Android home screen as a shortcut.

  1. update your DVR to the pre-release, by holding down SHIFT and click “Check for Updates”
  2. open in Chrome or Firefox
  • Firefox: Click the home icon in the URL bar
  • Chrome: In the DVR web UI, open the navigation list, click on your username to expand, then click “Add to Home Screen”

Thanks @tmm1!!! So far so good…tested it briefly and it seems to be working fine! Maybe you will become an Android user now :joy:

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@tmm1 Did you explore using

"display": "standalone"

in your web app manifest so that the shortcut/web ui would behave more like a native app on mobile?

Yes that’s what I’m using. The docs say that should hide the URL bar, but that’s not what seems to be happening? I’m not really sure why…

The docs for add to home screen say that it only works with standalone, so I didn’t try any of the others.

Interesting. I just assumed that you weren’t because, as you said, it’s not launching without the browser chrome as expected.

I’m not sure why either but Starbucks is a good example of it working correctly, maybe that will help:


Apparently if you use a custom port then the URL bar always shows =(