Cleanup of Comskip and logs?

When you delete a recording does ChannelsDVR also clean up the logs (Comskip) ? Also if I delete outside of channels and do a prune deleted is it supposed to clean up the logs (Comskip) ?

It does for me

do a prune deleted from where? Local Content? then NO
AFAIK, there is no prune deleted surfaced in the web UI for recordings made, only Imports.

Thanks I did a test by deleting in ChannelsDVR it cleaned up the logs ...

On Prune deleted I use this .... Will that clean up the logs ?

curl -XPUT http://MEDIAPC:8089/dvr/pruner/deleted

I think so, been 7 months since I tried and took these notes.

deletes the database entries for recorded files it cannot find
curl -XPUT

rebuilds recordings history from only existing recordings files
curl -XPOST

Tried that deleted a recording through file explorer ran the 2 commands the logs remained. I was wondering why I had so many logs left over now I know do not delete through explorer.

I guess it makes sense so from now on I will delete from Channels DVR ... I see that I can do a delete all of a Title from WebUI did not see that before.

What logs were left?

Yah, I learned to delete recordings from the Channels DVR web UI, easier in some ways, harder in others (like mass deletion of many recordings). It really became a PITA for me when they intro'd the recycle bin (garbage can) and I had to say "Yes. I'm really, really sure I wanted to do what I did", twice.

Comskip and Recording. The logs are identified by the FileID. I had some series that recorded from TVE that I wanted to keep ... I did not want that but did not realize I was getting Eastern TVE feed so they recorded of TVE. Wanted 5.1 Audio.

Doesn't sound right. May need more details.

But I gave up deleting files outside Channels long ago, so things may have changed.

I usually either watch & delete my recordings from within Channels, or I remove commercials and save outside of Channels, then delete the original recording from inside Channels.

If that sounds complicated, then consider I modify some json metadata and VideoRedo Project files created by Channels in order to remove commercials and save those recordings I'm not just watching and deleting.

Here is a screen shot of a recording with the FILEID highlighted ... If I delete that recording from explorer ... then go to the logs I will still see a folder with that filed ID still there in the logs folder.... under comskip and recording.

Ahh, but you got 1080p Stereo! Been there, done that.

So what are in those two directories for the recording? Are the directories empty?
If you delete it from explorer, you should also delete from within Channels so it knows you did that.
Might as well just delete it from Channels.

No not empty it has all the Comskip logs and VRD file etc ... the Recordigs logs has this...

loc=1316 pkt=8 pid=77 what="pat_and_pmt" offset=0 length=1504 contiguous=true changed=true packets=2

Yah, the recordings log is kind of meaningless for non-TVE recordings, but should have been removed.
And you already did curl -XPUT ?

Yes why don't you test it :grinning:

Test what? I don't have a quad-zillion recordings like you.

Go to a recording you do not want get the FileID write it down ... delete from explorer run your prune deleted and you will still see the logs with the FileID still there.

Not being rude, but not doing that, thanks. I have my own issues to deal with.

Like I said earlier, I gave up deleting files outside Channels long ago, so things may have changed.

You may want to post what DVR version you're using and maybe the devs can help you.
I'm just another paying Channels DVR Customer like you and was just trying to offer some help.