Clicked Mark as Not Recorded by Accident

This is an important show to me. How can I recover it?

Can you give some more details about what happened, if you had a recording that accidentally got deleted the first place to check is the trash can. You can restore it from there.

I had brain fade. I was hoping to play the recording, but I clicked "Mark as not recorded". I am not aware of what that does, but I hope it is recoverable.

Thank you for your reponse!

Channels will not record a program that it has already recorded in the past. If you mark a recording as "Not Recorded", then Channels will override its setting, and allow that program to be recorded again.

Can I regain access to that show? It may not replay.

Did you delete the program? Did you check the Trash?

I don't recall this option moving something to the Trash, only making so Channels has the ability to re-record it.

It is not in trash, but I cannot access it. There has to be a way to re-mark it as recorded, so it is accessible. t's not the end of the world, but it is frustrating.

Marking a recording as not recorded removes it from programs
curl -XDELETE "http://x:8089/dvr/programs/EP000007460202"
which is what ties the ProgramID to the recorded file
"EP000007460202": "recorded-3094"

Could probably discover both the ProgramID and FILE# by examining the recordings json http://x:8089/dvr/files or going back through the DVR log, but not sure if you could PUT or PATCH it back in programs.

If you have the fileID, you could still get a client to play it without having it in the database perhaps:

curl -XPOST http://${CLIENT_IP}:57000/api/play/recording/3094

(Using the fileID from the above example.)

Until one of the devs replies, you could COPY the recorded file to an Import directory and have Channels DVR import it.

Mark as not recorded has nothing to do with the ability to access or play recordings. What exactly are you trying to do, from where, and what exactly happens when you do?

I will go back and document what I was seeing. I will be specific. Thank you for your response, and thank you all for your participation. This is a valuable program, and a pleasure to learn and explore!

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