Closed Caption Sizes on tvOS

Hey Maddox, forgive me for getting off topic here. Is there any possibly you could increase closed caption font size just a tad bigger on Apple TV?

We always leave our caption size on normal (default) via Apple TV accessiblty setting. The problem is on default setting, Channels is showing smaller CC compared to every other streaming apps on Apple TV. Making it harder to read caption without squinting, even on our big screen TV.

In order to use Channels app we have to go through Apple TV accessiblty setting and increase caption size to large. When we switch to another streaming app, we have to go through accessiblty setting and change caption size back to normal. Which can be pain every time we switch the app.

We thank you for your continued update and support to improve Channels!

This obviously deserves a thread of its own, and shouldn’t derail this one. I’m sure it’ll be moved soon…

But I just wanted to add that a similar request was made awhile back, but the first attempt to address is made the closed caption font BOLD everywhere, which also wasn’t ideal for the rest of us. Thankfully that change was rolled back.

Yeah, I did make a thread last year. Hopefully this gets fixed soon. This is annoying for hearing impaired users/viewers. Thanks!