Cloudflare tunnel for CGNAT configuration vs tailscale

Hi folks,

Weve got so many brilliant people in our group, hoping someone has looked into this.

I am wondering if it is possible to get remote access and other integration with channels using clouflare tunnel?

Has anyone tried or thought of this? @maddox @tmm1 @eric

If it is possible, are there any advantages/disadvantages going that way vs setting up tailscale?

There are also some known interactions going on when sitting behind a cgnat that the developers are aware of.

That above thread isnt related to remote access, but any hooks that can
1: give me my own ability to securely port forward
2: isolate my channels server from other people sharing my ip address behind a cgnat

Would be comforting..
just raising questions
Thanks all

Don't know anything about cloudflare tunnel. We like Tailscale because it lets you direct connect and not proxy data through another server.

FWIW your server is already isolated. The issue with Tablo discovery is cosmetic only. We will be removing their centralized discovery in favor of a simple network scan like we use for hdhomerun.

FYI this is also why SiliconDust removed because it can't work that way behind CGNAT

Thanks for the info. Very helpful..

Non-HTML content is a violation of TOS for Cloudflare tunnels.
Section 2.8

I've had plex behind it before with no issue. I found a self hosted wireguard tunnel on a VPS was faster.


unless you pay for the service!

i’m enjoying many of the new zerotrust offerings in a personal use capacity

I'm in a similar situation, recently switching to T-Mobile Home Internet. The 3 solutions I've found are Tailscale/ZeroTrust/Wireguard, VPN, and a Tunnel. As I would prefer not to use a VPN at home, nor teach my dad how to use Tailscale (for Plex), and as noted above the free cloudflare tunnels are not intended for non-HTTP traffic. There are several paid tunneling options.

I found this excellent list of all available options.

While you can roll your own with a remote server, I prefer using a paid product, as the remote stuff is just above my skill level. Ngrok is what a lot of people prefer. However I've found localtonet to be excellent, and the price is way lower than all others I've found. The dev isn't fantastic (check his reddit), but overall site is solid I think easier than ngrok.