Combined Collections for all content types (Movies, TV Shows, Videos)

Currently, Collections are separated by Movie Collections and TV Show Collections. Now that "Videos" can be added alongside Movies and TV Shows, has there been any thought to making it possible to combine any of the three types of content in a single collection? I know this is possible for Virtual Channels, but not Collections.

It's not uncommon for TV shows to spawn a movie, or vice-versa. For those of us who like to create Collections by franchise (Marvel, DC, Star Wars), many properties have both movies and TV shows that share the same continuity. And it would also be nice to have custom videos in the same collection for bonus or fan content.

I think they have indicated there are architectural issues preventing them from unifying movies and TV shows. Maybe it would be easier to provide a mechanism for us to override incorrect guide data? That could at least allow people to clean things up.

Or be able to alias content from one type to another? I do think you provide good examples that would make collections even more useful.

With Channels DVR import function and the ability to edit metadata and artwork, try importing your movies as TV episodes. Fix the metadata and images for artwork and then your “movies” and TV episodes can co-exist in a “combined” TV collection.

Interesting, do you have any idea how long ago they said this? I would believe this a few years ago, but they’ve made so many recent improvements in regards to labels and metadata that I feel like this wouldn’t be too difficult now.

I didn’t think of this, thanks for the suggestion! I don’t want to re-import dozens of movies and take them out of the “Movie” category, but I might try this for certain use-cases.

If you have the storage, leave the “original movies” and the import a copy as a TV episode. I know it may take some extra work. Try one movie as aTV episode import.

As you can see from the screenshot, I tried this and the metadata just doesn't work most of the time. Not that I expected it to work well, but the matches are really random. And I don't want to manually edit metadata for every movie I want to integrate into collections with TV shows.

TV show metadata comes from Gracenote, which often leaves much to be desired. However, you can manually edit the metadata for any imported content, so you can override what Gracenote offers.

Yes I'm aware...

And I don't want to manually edit metadata for every movie I want to integrate into collections with TV shows.

it just isn't a good workaround for me and probably most people. Hopefully my request can be considered in the future.

Playlists have just gone into beta, which may help here. Learn more in the beta post:

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Hey Maddox,

Thanks so much for the recommendation about playlists—I’ll definitely check that out!

I was wondering if there’s still any consideration for the possibility of combining library collections? It’s something I’d love to see.

My specific use case is creating personal filmography sections for specific actors. For example, with a combined library collection, I could use a smart rule for a particular actor to pull in all their TV shows/episodes and movies into one curated section.

Thanks again for all the great work on Channels!