Comedy Central - mtvn mediaToken Error

Hey Team and Community,

Comedy Central has been hit or miss that past few weeks/pre-releases. Sometimes I get CC sometimes I get CC & CCP. As of the latest pre-release I get neither. With the following error:

Logs have been submitted as 31c9b2e1-2b7a-4de2-8635-0655add7ed3f.

mtvn mediaToken: POST: 403 Forbidden: "{"errorCode":"MissingPermission","userMessageTitle":"Oh no!","userMessageB…ge":"Message not available","traceId":"ef76360bc08746429d3ac635410b09dc"}"

This is the only channel that throws this error. Any clues or ideas or similar experiences out there?

Since the recent updates that were rolled into the latest stable release, I only get the Pacific feed for all the Viacom/Paramount channels (6010-6025) and they're all working right now. That may change when one needs to re-authenticate.

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Is it working now? I just had that issue myself and just tried it again and it is now working.

Hey eric, unfortunately I am still getting the same issue for ComedyCentral. All other channels are working.

mtvn mediaToken: POST: 403 Forbidden: "{"errorCode":"MissingPermission","userMessageTitle":"Oh no!","userMessageB…ge":"Message not available","traceId":"c7804d78fc4055c5eadb18fccf57116d"}"

Logs have been submitted as 041a96a2-d05e-44e0-9727-7c14a13a064a

This should fix it if you try to tune in a couple times.

Thank you eric! Took 2 re-checks but it is working now.

Here are the logs in case they are helpful at all. Thanks again!

Logs have been submitted as b66c2baa-83a2-4294-a159-64ab1deb65f5

Issue appears to be back again.

Logs have been submitted as 83aacd71-66b1-49d0-96fe-6c884892419f.

Getting the following in logs today including on 2024.05.02.1833:

2024/05/02 13:36:30.943955 [TVE] Channel scan TVLANDP failed: mtvn mediaToken: POST: 401 Unauthorized: "{\"errorCode\":\"NeedsRefresh\",\"userMessageTitle\":\"Oh no!\",\"userMessageBody\":…ge\":\"Message not available\",\"traceId\":\"4b9d4bf1ff31424e9ced4ce3e183000d\"}"

Removed TVE and attempted to re-add.

Logs have been submitted as ab1ca3ae-b946-4356-91e4-050fc5eb7c70


Reverted to 2024.04.25.2349 and was able to restore channels with mtvn mediaToken error

The latest update should resolve these issues.