Could someone explain to this simple minded person if there is a way to add Comedy Central, which I can log in to through my provider to channels?
If your provider offers access to Comedy Central through their website, there is nothing special needed: just add your provider as a TV Everywhere source.
Go here and click Sign In…
Find and click on your cable tv provider. Login with the same ID you use with your cable TV provider.
If that works, then watch this video to see how to get TVE content into channels:
Thanks for the info, but I have already added TVE channels. Comedy Central is not TVE. You log into it directly, but provide your cable (or in my case you tube tv) credentials when signing in. I want to add just this channel to channels+.
Yes it is; that is how I access it within Channels.
That is exactly what TV Everywhere is: access to a network's content using your provider credentials.
I was going to say that CC is accessed with TVE but @racameron beat me to it.
There is no direct access to it via a custom source in Channels DVR, you have to set up a TV Everywhere source.
Having said that, if you're feeling adventurous, you could try this: BETA: Chrome Capture for Channels
Or this: ADBTuner: A "channel tuning" application for networked Google TV / Android TV devices
If you did you'll find Comedy Central on channels 6010 and 6011
Thanks to all....a tve scan had to be done 3 times in order for it to finally appear. I was logged into the channel direcly on the third scan. I don't know if this was just coincidence. Thanks again.
Comedy Central, Viacom channels, and the rest of the Paramount family of channels were removed from the TV everywhere service by Paramount.