Commercial Detection glitch

ComSkip has been working pretty well for me so far. However, there was one weird glitch in Jimmy Kimmel show (I believe the Wednesday show this week). One of the commercial segments was not detected at all. Not a big deal, but I was wondering if it happens again, is there a way to adjust any settings to affect it? Thanks!

The single biggest improvement you can make to the commercial skipping experience is to use the "verify" option after comskip has done its thing. The devs have made it very easy and fast to use, and in most cases corrects any detection inaccuracies.

No tweaks to comskip values will ever yield perfect results, but by adding "verify" you can come pretty close.

Thanks for the reply. Is this "verify" option, something I have to run manually after each comskip detection? Or is there something automated that verifies? I am afraid running manually after each show may not be practical for me.

Yes, it's manual -- but check it out, it's amazing how quickly you can do the verify. It's a really nice design.

In my opinion, the time spent verifying is less than the time you can spend messing around rewinding or fast forwarding to recover from bad commercial skips.

Sorry, newbie here- how do I do that?

Web ui, library, tv shows, pick a show, hit the gear drop down, edit commercials

Is there documentation anywhere as to what I'm looking at? For example: for each time period, I see 3 images. What do these represent? Maybe beginning, middle, end of the time period, or something else. When you click the check box, the background for that time period turns green. I assume that means you have decided this is "show" and not "commercial". How do I add a commercial that wasn't detected?

I've looked at this several times in the past, but decided that I didn't know enough about what is displayed to make intelligent decisions about how to edit the commercials. I'd really love to see a guide to use this feature.

I don't know the exact answer, but that's been my assumption.


More complicated answer here. Very occasionally, there's been a block identified as show or commercial where the thumbnails suggest it's all show. Two options when this happens (more often than not for me on "interrupted" recordings), if it matters enough, you can pull the recording into LosslessCut using the EDL file and fix that goofed-up block.

LosslessCut creates an LLC file that can be used to update CDVR commercials metadata using an OliveTin-for-Channels Action. I've only ever needed to do this a few times myself, but I created the OliveTin Action to update CDVR anyway. :slight_smile:

The second option of course, is to skip over that "embedded" commercial manually, and call-it-a-day. This is the faster option.

Here's a link about the LosslessCut option, but keep in mind, this (at least for me) is very rarely needed:

Really feeling stupid here. I have very little knowledge about how all the files are interrelated, where they live, or what tools are used to manipulate them (LosslessCut, LLC, EDL, etc.), but I'm willing to learn. Any pointers to documentation would be greatly appreciated.

Yes, the three images represent the beginning middle and end of that time segment.

A segment marked green is not skipped, ie part of the episode.

Commercials can be verified in the iOS app as well.