Trying to find tutorial on editing commercial feature

I want to use the server interface to correct some commercials. I've searched for a tutorial, or even for posts here in the forum, which might explain how the feature works, but either my search skills stink (very likely) or there isn't an explanation.

In the filmstrip-like UI in the DVR settings, am I supposed to be putting checkboxes next to where the commercials are NOT located (i.e., turn the actual show/movie to the green color by making sure it has checkmarks)?

Any other tips I should be aware of? Thank you.

It literally tells you in the summary what color is commercial and what color is part of the show. With that info, one can deduce what color/check mark does.


Thanks. The movie was long, and I was working through it, so didn't realize there was a summary at the very bottom. I presume from another post I saw that there is no ability to modify the blocks — it is a check or uncheck process.

Correct. I must say that most of the times, it is very accurate at detecting the right start and end of commercials. It works better on some channels than others.

I'm hoping that someday the developers will announce a new feature to be able to accurately define the commercials markers yourself in order to get seamless transitions. Just wishful thinking. :grin:


Along those lines, do the first and last thumbnail in each block represent the very first and very last frame of the block (so, for example, if it clearly shows a commercial in all three thumbnails, it is safe to uncheck it), or just a representation of what is in that general area?

Very good question. From my own observation, I would say that it's more a representation of what is in that general area.

Probably in 90% of cases, yes.

When I do have the time to do it, I use a lossless video editor to remove commercials from the recordings with 1 frame accuracy so that I truly get seamless transitions.
When I don't have the time to do it, I simply quickly use this built-in commercial editor and verify/correct the markers. It usually takes less than 1 minute per recording. It's better than nothing.

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Looking at this post Commercial editing images broken unable to edit

It appears that the first image is from about 2 seconds after the start of the block and the last image is from about 2 seconds before the end of the block

I do remember that Aman answered the question, but my search fu is broken right now

Actually if you look in the comskip log folder for the recording it has the preview images with the filenames having the number of seconds in them.


Is there a way to keep the subtitles in sync when doing that? I did that with the first couple movies I recorded when starting with Channels, but stopped when I realized it got the subtitles out of sync.

I don't know about subtitles, I've never had any need to use them so I've never checked what happens when editing. I'll try and take a look the next time I edit one video. :slight_smile:

So it appears that Channels DVR generates these commercial editor preview images for each block displayed.
First image at 25% of the way into the block, second image at 50% and third image at 75%.

Using a 100 second block, marked in 5 second intervals

Thanks. Somebody with more experience than me at using the commercial editor could probably explain why it is best for the first and last preview images to be 25% away from the start and end of the block, but in my extremely limited usage, I would have assumed it would have been better to have it closer to the start/end.

Closer to the start and end are usually black frames for the scene change.

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