Commercial Detection isn’t recognizing commercial breaks on Paramount TVE channels

Seems like none of my recordings on Comedy Central are recognizing the commercial breaks correctly. Shows in the logs that there is commercial skip process but no skips show in the recording. Also is happening on the Paramount Channel too so I am curious if it is related to the new Paramount TVE implementation. This is about the time I started noticing it.

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I’m seeing the same issue. Commercials are not being recognized on Comedy Central - specifically the Daily Show.

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Commercial detection is notoriously difficult. Also, quality tends to degrade over time as broadcasters find new ways to stymie detection algorithms.

Also remember that generally, commercial detection is handled by a third-party program, not Channels itself.

I personally have found that the best "commercial" options are to use only manual skipping for programs, and when a commercial starts to double-press Forward/Right on my remote (or simply Next). Because the detection can be so hit-or-miss, automatic skipping is just asking for a bad experience; and the pop-up/button offering to skip is just a nuisance.

The commercial detection is what isn’t working. I hypothesize that this is likely to be due to the new Paramount TVE integrations that was corrected recently in prerelease software. Paramount moved to a new system that I think our platform isn’t recognizing.

I have reinstalled on a new instance it is now working so not surer why it wasnt working on this previous instance. still investigating.