Compare lineups easily?

Why not just go into Rescan Channels, highlight and copy

then paste (Match Destination Formatting) into Excel
Just need to do some minor cleanup

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The whole purpose is to simply compare which service has which channels available with the package I have today, without a bunch of screwing around in Excel.

Is this the only way, or is there an accessible file somewhere that might make quick work of this, or a simple export of the data? Especially if the channel number could be separate from the other info.

This is the result of a copy/paste from the same window in Thunderbird:

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Not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for but this might help:

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This function is also included in OliveTin for Channels, which has been super helpful! I highly recommend for any CDVR enthusiast.

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You need to use the Excel Paste Option "Match Destination Formatting (M)"

If you use "Keep Source Formatting (K)", you get the result you're showing.

I prefer my Windows command file that lists them.

TVE all channels.cmd
SET "tab_char=	"
echo Channel%tab_char%Name%tab_char%Available> "TVE all channels.txt"
curl | jq --raw-output ".[] | \"\(.GuideNumber)\t\(.GuideName)\t\(.ScanResult)\"" >> "TVE all channels.txt"

My Excel doesn't have that paste option. I'll try the command option. I can just open a command prompt and paste that in?

Hi, Jay. I don't completely understand how that helps. There seem to be a whole bunch of "check availability" options there that circumvent the intent.

Is someone in the community already keeping something like this up, so a user can actually see what service provides which options?

It doesn't show that Excel Paste Option unless you have the data copied to your Clipboard first.

It needs to be copied/pasted into the windows command file TVE all channel.cmd and then run.
And you have to modify it for your IP, PORT and TVE DeviceID.
You also need to have curl and jq on your system.

To put this into perspective, how would a brand new Channels DVR user that finally wrapped their head around TVE view a thread like this? It seems quite complicated.

Most Channels users install and add their HDHR or sign in with their provider and…just use the app. Ya’ll cray :joy:


You're the one that asked how to get it in Excel.
I told you how.

maddox totally solved it. Thanks a bunch.

lol fat fingers.

You did, thank you. I do appreciate that.

Just out of total curiosity, what's jq again?

jq is like sed for JSON data - you can use it to slice and filter and map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk, grep and friends let you play with text.

I don't know what any of that means, but I'll brush up on it when I have a few hours this week. Thanks.

I downloaded and use jq-win64.exe on my Windows laptop from here Releases · jqlang/jq · GitHub
It's already built-in on my Synology NAS.