Comskip.ini Tuning and "Redetect Commercials" Help

So, I have located the DVR Data directory from the channels log to here:

/Users/XXXXXX/Library/Application Support/ChannelsDVR/data

I have placed a custom comskip.ini file there to do some testing.

When I run the command, Redetect Commercials command and check the log for comskip form the UI here:
Screen Shot 2020-10-20 at 2.24.42 PM

Screen Shot 2020-10-20 at 2.24.56 PM

Screen Shot 2020-10-20 at 2.25.09 PM

However, when I look at the comskip.log from above screenshot, it does not show the custom settings I applied.

Another question about comskip settings. If I have two settings defined in the comskip.ini file one at the beginning and I repeat it again at the bottom. Which take precedent? The first or the last? I have tried to remove duplicate settings as I debug, but I may have missed one or two. I also assumed that the last setting found would take precedent.

For Example, Comskip.ini:
detect_method=123 ;; everything but scenechange
***some stuff ***
***some other stuff ***
detect_method=127 ; 1=black frame, 2=logo, 4=scene change, 8=fuzzy logic, 16=closed captions, 32=aspect ration, 64=silence, 128=cutscenes, 255=all

DVR Server Version: 2020.10.19.2252

I'm not experiencing that. Which ones and what does your override comskip.ini file look like?

Why not comment out the one you don't want?

You don't need to declare anything in your override comskip.ini except for default values you wish to override.

comskip has default values it uses unless overriden in a comskip.ini file.
Channels DVR has its own default comskip.ini file to override comskip defaults.
Your override comskip.ini trumps them all and whatever you don't declare in yours will be using the comskip default values.

It appears I was having issues with comments. So I was trying to use comments to test different settings values, but I was having issues. What is the proper comment for comskip.ini files. The following seemed to have a problem.

;detect_method=127 ;; everything but scenechange
; detect_method=127 ;; everything but scenechange

I have been just deleting lines instead of using comments because I got it working.

From the comskip distro tuning.html
Comskip is rather picky on how you format the ini file.
No spaces before of after the '=' are allowed.
Multiple occurrences of any setting can exist anywhere in the file but only the first will be used.
There is no way to 'comment out' a setting.

If you want to edit your comskip.ini in a GUI, download the latest here
Extract these two files into a folder
1 comskip.txt
2 ComskipINIEditor.exe
Copy your comskip.ini file to that folder
run ComskipINIEditor.exe (Windows program)

see this post for info on the editor

Unfortunately I am running on a Mac and don't have access to Windows via emulation. Thanks for all of your help. I have settled on this comskip.ini config for the moment. I will do some more testing throughout the week and see how it performs. Preliminary results are promising.

length_nonstrict_modifier=1.5 ;; required before below due to comskip.ini parsing bug
cut_on_ar_change=2			; set to 1 if you want to cut also on aspect ratio changes when logo is present, set to 2 to force cuts on aspect ratio changes. set to 0 to disable
delete_logo_file=1			; set to 1 if you want comskip to tidy up after finishing
detect_method=127			; 1=black frame, 2=logo, 4=scene change, 8=fuzzy logic, 16=closed captions, 32=aspect ration, 64=silence, 128=cutscenes, 255=all
logo_at_bottom=1			; Set to 1 to search only for logo at the lower half of the video, do not combine with subtitle setting
max_commercial_size=242			; maximum time in seconds for a single commercial or multiple commercials if no breaks in between
min_commercialbreak=15			; minimum length in seconds to consider a segment a commercial break
min_show_segment_length=242             ; any segment longer than this will be scored towards show.
punish_no_logo=0			; Default, set to 0 to avoid show segments without logo to be scored towards commercial

Good luck with your comskip tuning. I gave up on mine.