Comskip tuning

What happens to all those comskip.ini files (and directories) if I manually delete the recordings?

Yeah, it's weird. And about 18 minutes after I create a new post I get a notification on my user, so I click on it and I get this:

What is that?

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That was me editing your post to move it into the Channels DVR section from the General section.

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Nothing. But when you prune the db it will remove those files along with other internal metadata about those recordings.

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It took 18 minutes to edit my post?

It was most likely 18 minutes after you posted that Aman noticed it was in the wrong topic and moved it.
It's a weekend here in the US, not sure where you are.

If you're looking for where your CHDVR data directory is to put the override comskip file, see this post.

The CHDVR default comskip.ini can be found in the file directory for a recording you have run comskip on (as long as you don't have an override comskip.ini in place).

i.e. ChannelsDVR\Logs\comskip\1558\comskip.ini is for file(recording) 1558

Thanks to chDVRuser and racameron for helping. I was finally able to locate the install directory.

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If (3) programs record from 8pm to 9pm, how do I force the system to comskip all (3) programs simultaneously? It only seems to be running one comskip process/recording at a time.

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You don't. Commercial detection is only run one-at-a-time. There is currently no way to parallelize the process, or run multiple processes. The only change you can make is to increase the thread count, which would cause it to run more quickly and finish earlier.

So no live comskip, and no running comskip on multiple recordings simultaneously.

That's great.

No live comskips, but you can run multiple (after recordings have finished). This isn't sage...
See recomskip thread.

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Yeah, that's becoming very apparent.

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If live commercial detection and concurrent commercial detection processes are required for your use-case, then Channels is not the software for you.

However, I do know that MythTV—and I believe SageTV, too—offers both of those features. Also, both of those services are free, only requiring a cost for your guide data, which can be had for $25/yr from Schedules Direct, which also provides Gracenote data so the quality of the guide info would be the same, for nearly 1/4 of the cost. Clients/frontends (including remote access) and developer response, however, are not nearly as good as Channels.

(Tvheadend also allows for concurrent commercial detection, but they do not offer live commercial detection.)

Just curious what your expectations were for Channels DVR to replace SageTV and why you jumped.
It replaced TiVos and PLEX DVR for me. But I knew what it offered before I jumped.

Okay. Thanks.

I haven't 'jumped.' I'm running them side by side. I researched it a bit before going in, but I was expecting it to have basic file operations already in place ... like being able to realize that a recording is missing (or deleted externally). My mistake.

Are you referring to the developer response to simple questions like this one, where I asked if there were directions to move a DVR server from one pc to another?

Fortunately someone else asked the question and got some response. Thanks.

No. I was specifically referring to how responsive the developers are to responding to reported bugs and other types of things of a technical nature. While Channels' documentation is quite spartan, the developers more frequently than not answer questions. Also, feature requests that would languish with other DVR packages, I have seen quite a bit more activity from these developers.

Of course, you are welcome to your own opinions and observations. I also believe that you should only use/purchase software based upon what it does now, rather than an promised or expected future feature. So, evaluate for what you can do now, and then make your decision; but remember to keep your expectations confined to current features, if that's the case.


But thanks for your opinion.