Comskip VideoReDo Hack?

Is there a Windows hack to add the comskip generated .vprj file to the recording folder? I know there's a hack for edl before it was added to the GUI.

Putting this in General hoping to get a response.

There is no vprj hack and that file is not generated by default at the moment.

This is the only way I know to currently generate the VRD Project file.

It will be placed in the ChannelsDVR/Logs/comskip/file# folder where you told ChannelsDVR to record to for the recording.

No way I know of to put it beside the recorded file in the Movies or TV folder at present.

You will have to either edit that video.VPrj file to reflect the directory as VRD sees it from where you run it, or accept the error it cannot find the video file and browse for it yourself.

In my case for a Synology NAS as an example it's
<Filename>/volume#/path_to_ChannelsDVR/ChannelsDVR/TV/Samantha Brown's Places to Love/Samantha Brown's Places to Love S01E12 2018-03-20 Montreal Canada 2019-08-10-1630.mpg</Filename>

and I either edit the Project file as follows to open in Windows

<Filename>\\NASname\path_to_ChannelsDVR\ChannelsDVR\TV\Samantha Brown's Places to Love\Samantha Brown's Places to Love S01E12 2018-03-20 Montreal Canada 2019-08-10-1630.mpg</Filename>

or double click the Project file in Windows which opens VRD and accept the error the file is not where Windows can find it and browse for it.

This is available now.

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