Content playing when TV is turned on

We've been noticing this new issue over the past month or so. There are two TV, both have this problem: when we turn on the TV, the audio of the channel that we were watching the night before is playing, but channels is not open. The TV is showing the home screen.

Here are some variables. For reproducing, perhaps all, some, or none of these notes are relevant:

  • 1 ccwgtv, 1 shield
  • both use Projectivy launcher
  • Channels is the first app in the home screen, so it's highlighted when the TV turns on.
  • We use Virtual Channels, so the bug happens for us with content in a Virtual Channel
  • ccwgtv power off: stock remote with default power-off procedure.
  • shield power off: shield - sleep, TV - power off via IR


  1. Open Channens and goto the Guide.
  2. Select a Virtual Channel and begin watching the content.
  3. Turn off the TV.
  4. Go to sleep (or wait long enough that the next content on the Virtual Channel would begin playing.
  5. Turn on the TV.

Result: When the TV powers on, observe that you are on the android TV (Projectivy TV in our case) home screen. While on the home screen you can hear audio. Open Channels. In the Guide, you can see that the audio is coming from the content in the current time slot of the Virtual Channel you were watching last night.