Converting hlg hdr to hdr


Currently I know that the Apple TV does not support HLG HDR.

However is there a way for the HLG to be converted to standard HDR?

I have a HLG source which seems to be converted to SDR and plays correctly.

YouTube seems to convert HLG HDR to HDR.

Is there a way for the same to happen in the channels app?

Bumping this thread to see if there might be a possibility of getting this to work. Infuse is able to convert HLG files to HDR on the latest AppleTVs (see release notes for 7.5.2). Any chance that we might be able to get Channels to do the same? Currently HLG content (e.g. BBC video files) will play correctly as SDR, but not HDR.

To add to this, I’ve recored HLG content in channels and played it back in infuse where it plays back as HDR.

In channels it plays as SDR

Can you guys describe where you recorded content with HLG?

Or where you sourced it?

Apple TV did add HLG support, and I thought it was the HDR format that was broadcast on things like Fox Sports’ 4K channel on FIOS, which does work in Channels.

If watching live, you’ll need to enable Match Content for Live TV in Channels settings.

I have some BBC content (specifically Planet Earth 3) that’s in 4K with HLG. I can’t be sure where it was originally sourced from. It correctly plays in HDR using the Channels app on my iPhone (though it doesn’t get a badge for HDR).

So on the AppleTV it does show within the Channels app that it is HLG, including in the stats screen; however, it does not trigger the HDR mode on the TV. Other HDR files (non-HLG) do present correctly when played the same way through Channels.

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Could you try playing your HLG content with the latest TestFlight beta?