CPU maxed out

Noticed last night I could not access my Channels instance. Checked my VM and the CPU and RAM were maxed out for a few hours. After restarting the VM, I checked the logs and it looked like it got stuck indexing the guide data.

Thought it might have been an isolated incident, but my parents have the DVR running on a Shield TV and I judt had to have them hard reboot it due to a similar connection issues.

Anyone else experiencing this?

While not disabled, it should be noted this is no longer a supported configuration. Nvidia's changes to Android have made the platform undesirable (or more accurately, hostile) to running the DVR server.

As to your VM, perhaps it should more resources allocated if it cannot handle the daily guide update.

That's the strange thing, the VM had been running for 45 days before that and the CPU hadn't spiked above 20%, so I do not believe its resources.

Likewise, the Shield TV had been deployed for year.

Was almost like the guide data pull was malformed.

More like Googles requirements that were forced on nvidia have made the platform undesirable.

Unless you have seen the log from your parent's system, I'd treat these as separate incidents. The comments about the Shield should get your attention and if I were in your situation, I'd be looking at an alternative server for them.

Indexing the guide takes very little CPU. If this is a one time incident I would not worry about it. Possibly a bad download of the guide data or a disk error. Check your hardware logs for the disk that stores the channels server. If you have a repeat incident, try upgrading to the latest beta version.

Agreed. I did upgrade to the latest pre-release after this incident. It might have also been an issue with the guide data from a docker source not getting pruned properly, which the developer has since fixed.

As for my parents, I already had plans to retire the Shield. Planning to deploy an Unraid server that I can use as an off-site back up and be able to host a Channels instance for them.

Appreciate everyone's suggestions!