Latest beta crashes when you delete a show from the library.
Diagnostics uploaded
Latest beta crashes when you delete a show from the library.
Diagnostics uploaded
Same here. On version 2022 10.6.1829
We're checking it out.
Can you help us out with some extra information? Please answer all of these questions
We're seeing an issue with deleting a whole group when the group was from Pluto. But it's not crashing for me, it's just not deleting.
I’m seeing crashes when deleting individual programs that were recorded off air
This is happening on tvOS beta
Where in the app are you deleting it? There can be many places, and the specifics matter.
After I hit stop, it takes me back to the recordings page and I hit delete there.
from Recordings page
Correction: crashes when deleting TVE shows too.
I was doing it all the time, now, it seems to favor OTA recordings, however, not all of them.
I deleted AFV recording fine, but Family Guy it crashed after deleting.
submitted logs after crash
Fixed in the latest build.
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