Creating Pass

Hi, I have created 2 passes for shows I like to record. One show is on Sunday>Wednesday and the other is Monday>Friday.

The show Sunday to Wednesday shows at 7:30pm but also repeats at the next day12:35pm. I have set the DVR parameters to record New Shows only, so is there any reason the DVR is still queuing both episodes each day. I have been just going in and selecting skip, but not sure why it is even adding them. It is doing it for both passes created.

My understanding is that is I set the parameters within the Channels DVR that parameter is the default for all other watching devices ie - iPhone, iPad, iMac, Apple TV etc, hope that is right. Hence I bring up the DVR on the iMac and do all my programming for the week there.

All it is showing is possibilities that will record if it records the 7:30pm it will not record the others. Both shows are probably marked as new.

Example .... It will only record one ...

Your XMLTV needs proper identifiers so the dvr can tell it's a rerun and skip recording.

Currently using the HDHomerun option for the XMLTV, not to many options here in Oz, so looks like I will just have to delete any duplicate recordings or select skipped. Either way, not that big an issue. I was just wanting to check I wasn't missing some setting I had overlooked.

@Edwin_Perez - Thanks Edwin, I will let them go next time as see if it skips them, and they are marked as new.

I was confused about the queuing thing too when I first started with passes. And @Edwin_Perez is correct. All eligible times are scheduled (queued). It is only once a show has been actually recorded that those other same new shows are no longer eligible. Then they are then no longer scheduled (queued).

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