Cue Streaming Service

I just became aware of this company.

Looks like a legit service, located in Indiana, $60/month, pretty good channel lineup. I searched for them in the Channels Community but found no posts or comments. Anyone here have experience with this service?

They have their own app and require that it be sideloaded on your own device. I sent them a message asking about HDHR integration, TVE support and use of their subscription with apps other than their own.

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The streaming platform is getting saturated and losing money ... I wonder how long this will last.

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How do you know this?

1314 channels for $2 a day.

Yeah right, this is illegal IPTV dressed up to look legitimate.


There is a near zero chance this is a legitimate company. As @RockandRoller70 said, illegal IPTV with some lipstick.

  1. There is no way they can offer locals everywhere in the country at this price point, in addition to having just about every cable station under the sun.
  2. From their own FAQ: "We include top-tier and pay-per-view channels at no additional cost." I even looked through their guest account and saw things that they shouldn't have access to like Sunday Ticket, which is a YTTV exclusive and WWE Network, which is a Peacock exclusive.
  3. The directions for installing the app involved using the Downloader app and sideloading. If they can't get into the Play Store and Amazon App Store, they are fake.

You can also tell that they are using web streams like Channels does due to which local stations are available. For instance, in my market, ABC is not available through TVE. Sure enough, they don't have it as an option while they still have the rest. Obviously using geolocation fakeout methods or a VPN to get local web streams of networks.

I could go on and on, but this guy does instead:

Thanks, good data. The service was pointed out to me by a local person and they are probably in for a surprise.

I haven't personally used this service, but from what you've mentioned, it sounds like a solid option with a good channel lineup for $60/month. The fact that they require sideloading their app is a bit unusual, but not a dealbreaker. It's great that you're asking about HDHR integration and TVE support—those are important factors for many users. If I were you, I’d wait for their response regarding those features, as compatibility with other apps could be a deciding factor. Hopefully, others with experience will weigh in as well!

I would not invest in a IPTV service that has to be sideloaded ... you invest at your own risk.