Dark is pixelated on recording

In dark scenes, the blacks are very blocky. Is this normal for recordings, or do I need to adjust settings? Using Mac and appletv 4. The hour programming was 2.72GB file

What HDHomeRun are you using? This would only happen if you had an EXTEND and were recording in transcoded mode.

I’m using the connect Quattro

Are there any settings at all I should be checking out?

I am using a Connect and have the same problem. I am removing commercials and running on a QNAP NAS if that makes any difference.

See, and I’m not doing anything after recording either…at least not to my knowledge, yesterday was first recording made.

There are no settings that would affect this. The signal comes directly from the antenna and is saved to disk.

Can you try playing the recording on your Mac with VLC and see if it shows the same problem?

Is your Apple TV a 4K model?

On your Apple TV, did it find your DVR automatically or did you use the “login to remote DVR” option?

I will check on computer when I return home.

It is Apple TV 4K, and it found it automatically didn’t login

I don’t know what happened but after I reboot my QNAP it seems to have fixed it.

I am having the same problem again this time with live tv. On my AppleTV 4K the blacks are all blocky but the same live feed on my iPad is crystal clear. Both are on WiFi. Tuner sharing is turned off. Any thoughts?

If you have a 4K tv try changing the apps SDR setting

That seems to have fixed it.

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