Dark mode option for server admin

It would be great to have a dark mode option for the server admin page.

Probably not gonna happen.

But u can make it dark yourself right now.
Install DarkReader browser extension. It makes any website dark and is greatly configurable.

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The thing is I only want the Channels admin site to be dark and most plugins I've found apply the dark theme across all sites.

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I use Dark Reader and it can be turned on/off per site.

u can set it to white or blacklist. meaning, on all sites/except ones in list (default) or off on all sites/except for ones in list.

Just bought it. Love it! Thanks!

eh? DarkReader is free.

If you paid for it somewhere, it may be a fake.

Edit: ooo :laughing: They charge for the Apple Safari extension...
Forgot Apple ecosystem mean pay for even free things.
Wonder how much cost to clear browser history then? :crazy_face:

I mentioned dark mode after I spent my first month with the Channels ecosystem.

You just saved my eyes :slight_smile:

Looking at the server admin page, it looks like it's Bootstrap 3.x.x which should be fairly trivial to implement Dark Mode for using Bootswatch: Free themes for Bootstrap

Would be really cool to be able to select a theme for the admin UI. Custom CSS might also be an option to implement too.

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YES! Great idea!

custom css would be awesome, let us mess with UI :slight_smile:

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If you have Tampermonkey installed for your browser, it's easy enough to modify the UI. I did a couple tweaks for my own personal use. Purple sidebar, striped rows, and a floating time bar when you're scrolling

I can share my Tampermonkey script if anyone is interested. I know this isn't dark mode, but it would be easy enough if you're familiar with CSS to create a dark mode

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Yes please, looks great!

Here's the script, hopefully I am allowed to share here:

It's a zip file, with a .JS file inside. Feel free to open first in a text editor so you can see it's not a virus or anything. Then, in Tampermonkey, go to Utilities -> Import from file and choose the Channels DVR.user.js file